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I grabbed my wand and a hoodie. I opened my door slowly so i didn't wake up anyone. I tiptoed out of the slytherin common room. I have no idea how i'm going to even get too jade without being caught in any way. I heard whispers coming from around the corner and i peeked my head only to see Ginny And Jason looking back at me. Fuck they saw me.

"Draco what are you doing here so late," Jason asked me walking towards me.

"Yeah what are you doing here it's like 2am," ginny said realising jason's hand as she was speaking.

"Are you two like together," i asked them.

"It's complicated," Ginny said looking at Jason.

"Well i am going to go for a walk," 

"Liar where are you really going Draco," Jason said.

"Ok Jade got expelled and i'm going to go find her," I whispered hoping no one heard.

"EXPELLED," Jason said yelling.

Why was he so shocked didn't Jade tell him?

"Yeah didn't she tell you,"

"No i didn't even know the last time i saw her was when she caught me and ginny in bed," 

"Jason shut up no one needs to know our business my god,"

"Ok well i'm going to go find her so cover for me during classes Jason,"

"What no i'm coming with you,"

"Me too," Ginny said getting in contact with Jasons hand again.

"Ok well come one i'm leaving like now,"


As I was looking outside the window on the train I looked back at hogwarts. I felt my cheeks go red and my eyes start to burn. Damn i really am going too miss it alot then i thought. I have never felt a place so safe or calm. I really wish that i didn't have to go. I felt my eyes begin to be heavy so I lighty closed them and drifted off to sleep.


"We are taking the train," I said looking at them.  

"Ok," They both said.

We walked down the corridor of hogwarts it was cold but in a nice way. Hogwarts always made me feel safe and like it was home. My home isn't exactly a safe place for me. I look over at Jason and Ginny and they are talking and laughing. They both look so happy together it's kinda cute.

I'm happy for Jason he hasn't been able to look for a lady for a little bit. Ginny rarely talks about relationships as much to us i'm not sure why. she never really is able to find someone they always end up leaving her witch i always feel bad for her and in that case i always comfort her bring her her favorite movies snacks drinks.

We get down to the train station and I spot Jade. 

"Guys she is right there," I said pointing my finger towards her direction.


I tried to sleep but the train isn't moving in any way. I hear people talking and laughing with their friends. I really wish Jay and Ginny were here with me. I cant believe im going to say this but I wish Draco was here too. I miss his stupid jokes that no one laughed at. I miss his stupid smile. His Laugh. His cocky moves trying to get me in bed with him. I miss him in general.

I put my head against the Train window watching as people board the train with their friends. I heard people's feet shuffling as they walked past my cart. I was only in here and i liked it i didn't mean it. I heard the door open on my cart.

"Excuse you but i will like this cart to myself if you don't mind," i said still looking out the window not caring who it is.

"Not even us Star," I heard a familiar voice say that.

"Don't call me sta-," I stopped mid sentence looking at who was in front of me.

"DRACO GINNY JAY," I said getting up.

I ran up too Darco and i wrapped my legs around him giving him the biggest hug ever. I Felt my eyes water i was so happy they were here especially draco i missed him. I can't believe they are here. I let go of draco and went to hug Jay then Ginny.

"What are you guys doing here,"

"We came here for you," draco said looking into my light brown eyes.

A/N: I am having so much fun with this book so i hope your having as much fun as i am!!!

Next update is going to be tomorrow.

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