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Today is my first day with classes. Last night at dinner i got sorted into slytherin with Jason,Ginny and draco. Draco has been nothing but annoying to me since i have been here. Even getting off the train he had to bug me.Either he is stealing my food or talking when i'm talking he is lowkey a dick.


I got off the train with Ginny and Jason. Draco was taking forever so we went to wait at the outside of the train. I looked to my right to see a huge castle on top of a mountain. I turn to Ginny.

"Is that hogwarts right there," i said pointing my finger towards the big castle on the mountain.

"Yup the one and only," she said looking at me then turning back to Jason.

"I'm going to go check out draco to see what happened," i said looking at them both.

As i was walking back into the train a couple of first years were running and ran into me. They all had little robes on. I kept walking and saw draco. He was talking to one of the first years helping them put on their robe.

I walk up behind him. "Aww draco has a soft spot after all," i said looking at him mocking him.

He whispered something to the first year and they said thank you and got off the train. He stood up straight and i didn't realize how tall he was. He had to be at least 6 feet tall. He towered over me and he bent down right next to my ear and whispered.

"Don't say another word about what happened," 

I ran off the train yell "GINNY" "GINNY." I was so eager to tell her what happened because he didn't want anyone knowing about it. I could hear draco running after me screaming my name. I finally made it out of the train and saw ginny i ran to her.

I stopped when i felt a cold hand on my mouth stopping me from speaking i knew it was draco. I tried to speak but he only put his grip tighter on my mouth. He let go off me and i slapped him.

"don't ever put your hands on me ever again malfoy," i said.

Physical touch isn't my thing no matter who it was. My mom always tried to break down whatever wall i had for the physical touch but it never worked. I always hated physical touch because my uncle.


My first class was potions with Jason. He seems really cool and chill but he doesn't speak as much.He leadeth me towards position and he talked to me on our way there. He says he doesn't speak as much because no one listens. I don't know why they dont he is so sweet.

We got to class. I sat next to Jason and before class even started me and jason were laughing our butts off like i mean laughing laughing. We got seperated. But we threw notes at each other until Snape caught us.

"You two out of my class right now," snape said stopping the whole lesson on whenever he was talking about.

"Bye bitches," I said flipping snape and the whole class as i was walking out.

"yeah bye bitches," I heard jason saying as he closed the door.

"Bro that was awesome you're so fun," i said looking at him.

"you wanna go somewhere secret and skip the rest of the classes," he said looking at me his eyes filled with joy and happiness.

"YES OF COURSE," i said yelling a bit.

He took my hand and pulled me. I took my hand out of his and gave him a soft smile. We both ran towards some tower. He said it was called "The astronomy tower" it seem like a weird name for a tower. But while we were running i felt alive for once like i was happy. He stopped in front of me making me run into him.

"WE ARE HERE WOOOOO," he said as he looked off the railing.

It was beautiful. You could see the clouds and the fade of some mountains in the back. I felt happy here. It felt weird for some reason i haven't felt happiness in a while ever since my mom. i never would have thought i would actually be happy.

"Do you smoke?" he asked me taking out a plastic bag with a white stick and a lighter.

"No but first time for everything right?" i said looking at him.

He lit the white stick on fire kinda and it looked cool. He like inhaled the smoke and blew it out. 

"Here so put the blunt in your mouth," he said as i opened my lips and put the blunt in.

"i'm going to light the blunt on fire so when i do inhale a little bit you might cough so don't be worried," he said looking at me.

He lit the blunt on fire. I inhaled a little bit and it felt as if someone lit something in my throat. It was a good feeling kinda. But it hurt like a bitch honestly. I coughed and felt as if i was going to throw up.

"Jesus jade here drink some of this water," he handed me a bottle of water with a little bit in it.

I drank it. I felt a burning sensation in the back of my throat as i swallowed. It burnt a lot. I coughed even more.

"Oh shit jade i'm sorry i think that was my vodka," he said laughing.

He took out another bottle and i sniffed it before drinking it and it was water i drank it and i felt better. We both had a few more hits and talked. WE had to be up their for hours because we saw the sun set it was gorgeous. He kinda opened up to me a bit about his family and how is brother committed suicide.

I felt bad because he was tearing up a bit. I hugged him. I don't usually do but i feel like i could trust him and he felt like different from other people when i did.  

" Your a really good hugger jade," he said laughing and wiping his tears.

"well don't get used to it jay," I said laughing with him.

"Jay?" he said looking at me.

"yeah just a little nickname jason is a bit formal and long for my liking," i said laughing.

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