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"So Star can we talk," Draco's voice cracked a little bit.

"Yeah what's it about,"

"Well it's only if your comfortable with it if your not it a totally fine,"

"What's it about draco,"

"That day in potions class what happened,"

"Draco what happened that day was something I never want too talk about," I said looking at him

He looked nervous when I was talking. He never is nervous around me at least. Was there something he wasent telling me?

"Ok I'm sorry I should have never brong it up star I'm sorry,"

"No Draco it's ok you were just asking but I'm not ready too open up about that right now,"

He looked at me with a soft smile. Draco and Jay are the people who have made me feel a bit more comfortable with physical touch.

It's pretty werid honestly in the matter of a few months I felt safe and happy.

I shifted more towards Draco on the couch and layed my head on his shoulder and just watched the fire place in front of us.

"I was 8 and he came Into my room drunk and he ripped my blanket off me I begged him too stop-," I said being cut off.

"You don't need too tell me star it's hard but you don't have too finish talking if you don't want too ok,"

"Draco it's fine I want too tell you,"

With that i carried on speaking.

"I begged him too stop but nothing worked he covered my mouth with his hand and I heard his belt drop onto the f-floor and I couldn't move I felt as if I was paralyzed toll this day men scare me except you and Jay you guys are different I don't know I feel connected to you guys,"

"Star I am so sorry that Happened to you but please know I will never do anything like that to you or try too hurt you in any way,"

I looked up at him and saw a tear run down his face. I pushed my head away from his lap and kissed him on the cheeck.

"I know Draco," I whispered.

. . .

We formed a circle I  the middle of the living room Jay and Ginny sat next to each other while I sat next too Draco.

"Spin the bottle?" Ginny said looking at everyone.

"Yes," I said

Ginny puts the bottle in the middle of the floor in front of us. She spins the bottle I watch as the bottle spins around and it lands on . . . Draco

We all laughed as Ginny put her face in a grossed out way. I watched as Ginny went to stand up and shifted towards Draco.

Ginny closed her eyes. Meanwhile I was staring at how Draco's lips moved in such rhythm with her lips making my stomach turn and felt my body tense up. Draco malfoy has turned me on and he wasent  even making any physical touch towards me.

Draco's eyes open as he looks at me. I quickly turn my head trying to avoid any contact with his eyes.

He took his hand and moved it too Ginny's neck making Ginny moan the slightest. I looked at Draco again he was holding eye contact with me.

I wasent going to look away. Instead Draco looks at Ginny and bites on her bottom lip. He drags his tounge from her lips down too her neck slowly sucking on her sensitive parts.

A moan escaped from Ginny's lips. I look at Draco once more and give him a dirty look. He took Ginny and pushed her onto the floor sucking on her neck some more right in front of me.

Anger clicked in me. I controlled myself. Draco finally got off Ginny and sat right next to me.

"Damn Draco you a pretty good kisser," Ginny says wiping her thumb along her bottom lip wiping off whatever spit Draco left on her.

"Enough my turn," I said.

I took the bottle and I watched as it spinned. It finally stopped and landed on . . . Jay.

"My god," Ginny said as I walked over too Jay.

I straddled on him. I took my hands and moved it too both sides of his face. I took my tounge and dragged it from his neck down up too his lips.

I took my thumb and opened up his bottom lip and slipped my tounge into his mouth I felt him groan the tiniest bit.

He took his hand and put it around my throat nor pressing tightly in any way. He pushed me too the ground.

His lips made their way down too my neck. This was so hot and such a turn on. Even though Jay is my bestfriend it's was still hot and a turn on.

I arched my head and saw Draco with a mad face like he was about too fight someone.

Jay got off me and we kept playing. Ginny was a bit mad at the face me and Jay madeout but it didn't mean anything in any way.

●Authors note●

Jay and Jade are NOT related. I forgot too add this in my other chapter but they thought it was jays father who raped her but It WASENT.


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