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As Jade was walking away i screamed for her to come back but she didn't. I felt my legs below me start to tremble and i turned numb. Numer than usual at least. I really didn't want her too leave. She kinda made me happy. She distracted my mind from all the bad things especially my dad.

I walked down to the slytherin common room to go collect my thoughts. I sat onto the couch just thought about why would she have done what she did too pansy. Pansy hasn't done anything to her except call her a slut. Jade was pretty mad too do that she kinda was like a whole nother person when i saw her.

I wanted down to my dorm where no one was their. I pulled open my drawer The creek of it making me flinch a little bit. I then casted a spell. 'Aparecer.'  My journal then appeared, All green with a black snake on it. I then grab a quill from my pocket and i hop onto my bed and began writing.

Dear draco

 I know I see her differently from people. She is different. She is odd and i like that. But she is a mudblood and i could never even if i wanted too. Jade Valentine has made me vulnerable. She makes me feel all warm inside its gross. I always get these like butterflies in my stomach when i see her or talk to her it's also gross.

I already miss her. Her smile. The way her blonde locks flow when she is fighting someone or even talking to someone. The way she plays with her rings on her fingers when she gets nervous.

The way her voice would squeal when you told her something she liked to do. 

Get it together Draco she is a mudblood. She hasn't even been here for a month and your already going crazy over her.

-Love To myself

aka Draco malfoy the hottest man ever.

I shut my journal and casted the spell so it will disappear and i put it back into my drawer before i said the spell. I turned over to my side hoping my feelings will go away. They didn't go away tho. The only i heard were water drops.

Go get her

No i can't she doesn't want me. If she did she would have been here and she would have turned around and be right here with me.

You know you want to be with her just go

I said NO now go away.


Fine i will but how will i get there.

The train dumbass




Bold: Means draco's thoughts.

Hope your enjoying the book.

I will be updating later on today so yeah!!!

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