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I paced back and forth in my room thinking about if I'm actually going too do this. I was already horny and in need for some action.

God Draco has done something to me and it's not something I ever thought. fuck it.

I grabbed my door handle and opened the door and I walked out closing it softly.

I walked too draco's room and knocked lightly he didn't answer so I went in.

I heard the shower going so I decided to just sit back while he finished.

10 minutes later, the water stopped and I got a bit nervous for what's about too happen.

All I could think about is my fingers touching her body all over and making her scream my name.

She is a girl everybody wants. But she is only mine. I have already claimed her no matter what.

I grabbed my towel from the hanger and wrapped the towel around my waist. I grabbed the door handle and opened it and saw her.

On my bed with my shirt her legs crossed her Brown eyes met mine as she trailed her eyes all over my body.

Wow. My eyes couldn't help but trail up his body as his towel was sitting perfectly at his waist.

"How do you wanna do this," he said breaking the silence.

"Whatever I really don't care,"

"Before we go on with this i wanna make sure your comfortable with this if you are not we can just lay in my bed I wanna make sure I have your consent before we do anything,"

My heart was filled with butterflies. He asked for my consent. HE ASKED FOR MY CONSENT. My god he is- I can't even explain he is so precious.

"Yes Draco you have full permission to my body thank you for asking first I really appreciate it,"

"Of course I wanna make you feel safe and comfortable if at anytime you want too stop cause your uncomfortable just say a safe word,"

"Watermelon?" I said laughing

"If that's what you want then I guess,"

He walked over too me slowly and he finally got too me spreading my thighs apart. His colds hands making me jump as his content.

"You ok star,"

"Yes just you have cold ass hands,"

A smirk placed across his face as those words came out of my lips. He pulled away quickly from me.

"What happened draco?"

"I forgot to go over my kinks with you,"



My god this man is everything.

"Ok well tell me them and I will see,"

"First is a pain kink I like to slap people during it or you slap yourself when your doing it to yourself,"

"My god Draco never knew you had a pain kink but I can work with it,"

"Next is a knife kink,"

"knife kink huh wow I can work with that too,"

This man is going to destroy me.

"Draco could you carve your initials in me?"

"Are you serious,"

"Yes 100%,"

He took out his knife that was green and black with a sliver snake on it. He started on my thigh.

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