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"Is it still funny,"

"No no no," I said threw my laughs.


Draco got off me and went outside the door while Jay and Ginny stayed.

"So you got turned on by Draco huh," Jay said laughing but whispering.


"I read your mind dummy,"

"Omg Jay why the fuck would you even do that,"

"Draco Malfoy turns you on Draco malfoy turns you on," he said laughing but not saying it too loud.

"Omg shut it Jay and get out,"

. . .

We all choose to go shopping of course I had too tell them what it was because they are slow with the human life and what not.

We were walking and the mall was right up the road from grams house so we walked.

"Omg Gucci I heard so much about this in muggle studies," Draco said.

"Mate you took muggle studies,"

"Yes now shut up Jay and walk faster,"

I could tell Draco was so excited too go into the stores he was smiling and laughing. His smile was the biggest thing I missed. Oh and his laugh his laugh is like music too my ears.

God his groans were like music too my ears.

Omg why the fuck am I thinking about that again I look over too Jay talking with Draco. Meanwhile me and Ginny are walking up front talking about the stores with bras.


"Oh shit,"

Jay went running and so did Draco i know they both were up too me thinking about the sex dream again.

"Jay," Ginny called out.

They were running towards Gucci and The food court. I WASENT worried about where they were going .

"Lets go to Victoria secret," I say pointing  in the detection.

We walked in and the lady asked us too get sized and we both said yes. While waiting for our sizes to be checked me and Ginny were talking about last night in spin the bottle.

"Hello ladies you two look gorgeous," says the lady with a measuring tape.

"Thank you you look gorgeous yourself," I said too her.

She really was gorgeous she had ginger hair just like Ginny. Hourglass figure and amazing lips she was literally perfect.

"So who do we wanna size first,"

"Uh me I guess," I said.

She sized me up and I came too be a 38 C. Ginny got sized right after me and she  couldn't stop laughing. She was blushing extremely hard too.

She got sized and got a 36 B.

We walked around until I found a nice lingre set. It was a black thong but the sides were with jewls and said Victoria Secret. It also had thigh harness.

The bra had the same design as the black thong. Jewled on the straps and the rest black.

Ginny got a red set just like mine the thong has a harness that goes on your thugs with the Jules same thing with the bra.

Me and Ginny went to the register and I payed for it all it was around $80 thank God my grandma left her credit card at the house.

We decided too go back to find the boys. We went Into Gucci they weren't there.

"Where the fuck are they,"

"They are right there," I say pointing towards Calvin Klein.

We walked into the store and they all looked at us. We walked over to them and they were checking out some watches.

I grabbed Jay's dick threw his pants and I squeezed it hard. "Next time I will chop your dick off if you read or put things in my mind clear,"

He gulped and nodded. I removed my hand and put it on draocs dick now and squeezed it hard just as I did to Jay.

"Next time you wanna check my head I will suck you off until your forgetting my name and cant even breathe clear,"

He nodded and I felt him grow hard from my words I felt powerful more powerful than usual.

I took a sports bra from the hanger and took it off and shoved it into draco's bag he was wearing.

They didn't buy anything. We were walking out the doors and then the metal deters went off.


"GET THEM," the severity said.

We all sprinted out the door. Ginny was on my left and Draco was next to Jay who was on my right.

We kept running and didn't look back at all. We made it too the end of the bridge. The officers were still behind us.

"No where to go now little kids," the officers said looking at us and holding guns.

"There is one way down tho officer," Draco said looking at us he signaled us that we were going to jump.

"Bye bye officers," i said jumping flipping them off as I did.

"Levitia," I said

We all stopped right above the water that was below us. Draco did a spell and we all shifted back to land.

"What the fuck was that," Jay said looking at me and Ginny.

"Look at her," Ginny said pointing at me.

"Draco give me your bag,"


I took his bag and took out the bra. I pulled my shirt off. Everyone's eyes were on me and I knew it i love it. I unclipped my bra in the back that i had on.

My boobs were now out in the open Draco was getting hard I could tell. Jay looked away and so did Draco and Ginny.

I put the sports bra on and put my shirt over and stuffed my bra I had on in draco's bra.

"You guys can look now," I said.

"Why did you just do- OMG DRACO HAS A BONER," Jay said.

It was true he did and it was long very long. I smiled at him and he just looked at me.

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