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We made it home without getting hurt lucky. Draco couldn't seem to get his eyes off me the way back home. I mean i wouldn't be able to keep my eyes off me either im stunning and gorgeous and don't get me started on my thighs. They are so squishy and they have stretch marks on them but they are so cute like.

"Star," draco said making me jump from my thoughts while sitting on the couch.


"Ginny is talking to you,"

"What happened gin?"

"Bathroom come on and bring your bag,"


"Oooo the girls are going to the bathroom now now if you girls wanna have a 4some just say something," Jay said looking at draco and us while i got my bag.

"As if Jay you would be lucky enough for me to kiss you," i said reaching for my bag.

"Oh but darling you already have kiss me,"

"oh shut it it was for a game,"

"yeah but you still did,"

I rolled my eyes. Ginny dragged my arm and too the bathroom. She opened the door and we walked in, she shut it after i walked in. She dropped her bag and started taking off her shirt and then unclipping her bra. My hands went straight to my eyes.

"What happened Jade,"

"What are you doing,"

"Putting our sets on come on change we are going to see the boys reaction,"

"ok then,"

I felt comfortable around ginny and i have never felt comfortable enough to be naked infront of someone but Ginny made me feel comfortable. I took off my bra and started reaching for my bra.

"Omg jade your tits look so nice what the fuck,"

"I know right yours look so good too tho kinda better than mine i will say,"

"No no yours are better,"

"they both look the same," We said looking in the mirrors and laughing.

Me and Ginny have gotten super close in the matter of months. She is the best and the funniest. She is like a sister to me. God all 3 of them have made me go soft. Me and ginny finished putting on the sets and we looked amazing. The harness on the thigh part almost didn't fit on my thighs.

"Jade lets make a bet,"

"What kind of bet,"

"You have 20 bucks,"

"yes you do?"

"Yes, so who do you think is going to get a boner first,"

"mmm tricky but i gotta say draco,"

"alright so if draco gets hard first then you get my 20 dollars,"



We opened the door and we both walked out. We were in sync as we walked. I saw Draco and Jay and my eyes immediately spotted Draco's dick growing. I looked at Ginny and smirked and singled her too look at draco. She gave me the 20 bucks.

"So what do you guys think?" Ginny said breaking the silence.

"You guys look Gorgeous," Jay said.

"Aww gentlemen love that about you jay," i said looking at him.

"Ok but like isn't my thighs look good with the harness on them," I said looking at them both.

Jay's eyes were attached too Ginny's. Meanwhile, Draco's eyes were wandering up from my boobs and my thighs.

We met each others eyes and I winked at him.

"Draco could i borrow a shirt for tonight,"

"Yeah come up stairs with me,"

I followed him as he went up the stairs we get to his room. He closes the door and I sit on the bed waiting for him to get a shirt.

I got up to the door noticing it had a black dot on it.

"Here," his dark voice causing me too jump.

I turn around and he has me pinned up against the wall now. God he turns me on so much. My breathing was hard now and I felt his hand around my throat making me breathe harder.

He bent down so he was right at my ear. I heard his breathing causing my legs to go weak.

"Now Jade you thought you wearing this would attract my eyes huh."

"No I was wearing it for me not for you,"

"Really huh?"

"Yeah I even thought about maybe touching myself in this,"

I saw as his jaw clenched.

"Maybe I would let you come in my room as I do it, maybe let you tell me what to do to my glorious body,"

He runs his tounge on the side of his cheeck and laughs.

"Maybe I will just come in suprislingly and do it myself,"

He let go of my throat and stopped pinning me against the door. He turned around facing the bed now.

"Where is the shirt,"

"Oh fuck right her just have this one,"

Draco took his shirt off a basic black T. He was gorgeous he has abs like too die for. His back muscles were so so I chat even explain it. His shoulders made my knees go weak.

"Thank you,"

"Yeah no problem,"

I took his shirt and put it on. My god I drowned in his own clothing. I was so small compared too him. He smelled so good.. So expensive... So good...

I squeezed my thighs together trying too make my horniness away. Didn't work.

"Stop doing that,"

"Doing what?"

"Squeezing your thighs together,"

"Why does it turn you on? Do I turn the big bad Draco malfoy turned on my squeezing my thighs together?"

"Yeah you very much do so I advice you too stop before I walk over there and rip off that little set you have on and eat you out until you can't walk and your screaming my name,"

"Still up for me watching me touch myself?"


"You are going to come too my room and watch me touch myself,"

"No your coming here in MY room,"

"Alright then witch ever on works best for me,"

Authors note: Ahahahah things are getting spicy but pt2 to this is going to be on the next chapter.. might update today who knows

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