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"Draco I told you not to come after me," 

"Star you really think i'm going to stay away from you,"

Draco took his hand and made me flinch. "Hey hey i'm not going to hurt you," He put his hand on my face and took his thumb and moved it slowly across my cheek. I shut my eyes due to how comfortable i felt.

"Guys we have to go," Ginny said looking back at the train door and the few people coming up and in the train.

"I'm not leaving you guys go ahead i'm staying with Star," Draco said moving his hand off of my face and down to my hand.

"You're staying then i'm staying we stick together," Jay said looking at me and everyone else.

"No you guys need to go you can't come with me," I said looking at draco.

His eyes began to water as i said those words he had a sparkle in his eyes as i looked at him.

"We are coming with you Star we will find a way for you to come to hogwarts again in the meantime," 

"What do you mean,"

"Guys let just go to the muggle world, Jade's dad doesnt know about you being expelled right?" Ginny asked me looking at everyone.

"No he doesn't know but what about you guys your gonna be caused because you guys cant go to classes," 

"I handled that already," Jay said smirking at me.

"Alright then LET'S GO TO THE MUGGLE WORLD," I said.

Ginny came fully inside the cart and closed the door. I sat next to Draco and me and him were having a blast we laughed and talked about everything. Ginny and Jay on the other hand they were making out. Me and draco were making fun of the way they were making out it was pretty funny.


Jade fell asleep on my lap. She is truly gorgeous. Her blonde hair slightly waved. Her scent is like so welcoming and comforting. It's like vanilla and a hint of green apples with some coconut. She mumbles some things here and there but i don't really understand.

She makes me so soft i hate it.

Ginny is asleep on Jason's lap to. Jason is awake staring outside the window.

"Do you like her mate," i heard jason say as my eyes lifted up to meet his.

"Like her absolutely not," 

"I have seen the way you have looked at her mate it's obvious," 

"Jason i don't like her she is like a sister to me,"

"Mhm ok whatever you say draco,"

"Mate i really don't like the girl,"

"I believe you,"

𝔸 𝕗𝕖𝕨 𝕙𝕠𝕦𝕣𝕤 𝕝𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕣


I woke up to the train stopping. We were at some train station. Not Platform 9 3/4. Its diffrent it has a whole bunch of signs and... A  bus stop? How did the hogwarts train take us all the way here already?

"Draco," i aksed.

"Yes Star,"

"where are we?"

"Muggle world, we apported here i carried you when you were sleeping,"

"Oh ok,"


We got off the train and started walking. Things were so diffrenet from when i was here. Everything is so much bigger and cleaner kinda.

"We need a place to sleep guys," Ginny said.

"Shit we do," Jay said

"Umm," i said.

I looked around too see where we were. I recognize this place. My dad's house was only a few miles away. we couldn't go there tho he doesnt know im expelled or nay of that he still thinks im in school. My grandma's house was always near my dad's actually her house was right in the distance a little bit down the street.

"My grandma's House is right down the street if you guys wanna go there," i said looking at them.

"Yeah thats fine," Jay said 

We walked down the street. Everything seemed so different down here i haven't been down here since i was little a lot of the house were in construction when i saw them. Now they are all lived in and finished they all look the same but in a unique way.

I knocked.

"Hello granny its jade,"

"Granny open up we are cold," Draco said mocking the way i said granny.

God he is so annyoing sometimes.

"shut up draco my god," ginny said

"Yeah draco listento ginny," I said.

I opened the door and the smell of my grandma hit my nose and i felt safe in a way.

"hello granny? anyone home?" i said looking around and opening and closing doors.

"WE ARE ALONE GUYS WE HAVE THIS PLACE TO OURSELVES," i said looking at everyone who was just standing in the door way.

"wait where is draco," i said looking at them.

"There," ginny said pointing at the couch.

"Feel free to take up any rooms guys there is about 8 rooms here so yall could share or have seperate rooms oh and condoms are in the bathroom on the left to the cabinet," i said looking at Ginny and Jay.

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