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I morphed back into my human body. The same masked man showed right next too me kneeling.

I thought I killed him.

"Mrs. Riddle what can I do for you,"

"Go find Ginny, Jay, Draco, Harry, Please,"

He got off of his knee and ran too find them. Was he connected to me or something?

I helped some people from getting killed and getting away from the masked people.

Someone came upnfrom behind me and put a cloth over my mouth and nose and I passed out.

"Where is star," I said looking at harry.

"I don't know,"

I looked around and screamed for her. They left her over there alone. Everyone was yelling and screaming

I got up and ran trying too find Star. I fear that she is dead. I ran faster as that thought ran threw my head.

Everyone was huddled up looking at the yard and I stopped and looked and there she was tied up and on her knees.

I woke up and my hands were tied and someone with a cloak and a wand. He was talking as people gathered around each other.

I spotted Draco and Ginny and Jay and Harry. I looked at Draco, Ginny a d Jay and I mumbled a spell that was able for me too get into their heads.

"Guys what I'm about too do is stupid but remember that I love you guys and Draco I love yo-,"

"No star you can tell me that after this do you hear me your not gonna die," Draco said whispering.

I went onto both of my legs and walked in front if the man with the cloak and the wand.

"AVADA KAVADA," he said as soon as he saw me.

The spell hit me and I felt a burning session in my stomach. I opened my eyes and saw my mom.

"Honey is it really you,"

"Yes mom,"

"God I missed you so much,"

"Mom Tom riddle is taking over Hogwarts and he has deatheaters with him I need your help,"

"Honey I need you too open your eyes when you go back and I will come threw your body it's gonna feel werid but trust me ok,"

I opened my eyes and the feeling of someone walking on my chest began and I realized she had just cut threw my body.

I ran too Draco and Ginny and Jay and hugged them. Harry looked at me then looked at our mom.



Harry walked towards mom because Tom was taking out his wand as he was yelling with mom.

"AVADA KAVADA," I screamed pointing my wand at Tom.

"AVADA KAVADA," he screamed at the same time as me.

We were now duling. Fighting for life. He was strong maybe a bit too strong. I put all of my power into my wand i felt my body slipping away as I did.

"Star I love you," I heard Draco say threw the spell I did earlier.

He gave me the strength I needed. His words kept on replaying in my head as I put even more energy into my body.

"Love is pathetic," Tom said.

Anger builded in me knowing he was talking about me and Draco. I put whatever power I had left in me into my wand.

I felt my body wash over me. I felt my body loosen up. I look over at Tom. He is crumbling away peice by peice but there is something inside him or someone.

"Lily?" He said running towards mom.

"Yes darling is it you,"


He hugged her tightly looking at me and Harry. I signaled Mattheo to come over here. He jogged a little bit coming towards us.

"Who are they?" Tom said looking at us and letting go of mom.

"Our kids when you went all crazy I was pregnant again,"

"Harry oh my god I'm so sorry i-," he said being cut off by looking at me. "Is it her lily?"


He came towards me giving me a hug I flinched really badly. He didn't realize and still hugged me.

I felt a warmness in my body as he hugged me. He was my father and I felt really happy for once.

"What's her name?" He said looking at me.

"My name is Jade,"

"Jade Riddle such a good name," he said moving a peice of hair from my face and still hugging me.

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