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I fell asleep while watching the stars with Draco. I woke up in his dorm once again. But this time he was right next to me. His hair was all in his face made me chuckle a little bit. His skin was so pale but the sun made his skin glow. It was like draco actually looked peaceful for once. I admired his face for a few seconds until i realized he had no shirt on. 

My eyes just kept absorbing his chilled abs and the way his stomach went up and down as he breathed in his nose and out his mouth. I was about to touch his hair so it was out of his face until he moved a little bit making my hand touch his shoulder.

"Morning darling," he said with his eyes half open and half close.

"Darling? that is weird don't call me that," i told him with my knee in my chest with the chin resting on it.

"Well what else shall i call you then," he asked me while now positioning himself upwards making eye contact with me.

"I don't know just not Darling," i told him looking at him with a disgusted face.

"Star" he asked me.

"No," i told him.

"Star it is," he said getting off the bed.

I rolled my eyes at him. He put on one of his shirts while i watched him. He had such a nice body. Nice shoulders. He took his pants off making me look to the wall next to me. I heard his belt as he was putting it on.

"Star you can look," he said.

"Don't call me that you know i don't like it," i told him my head now scanning his full body image.

I was getting up so i could go back to my dorm to get dress. Draco stopped me at the door.

"Where you think you going star," he asked me while looking down at me. 

"to get dressed obviously now move," i said trying to shove him out of the way.

"Just use my clothes star," he told me.

I looked into his eyes they were soft in a way and they didn't have the rage and crazy as i usually saw. I walked towards his dresser and took out one of his uniform shirts. I went down a dware and got a pair of basic black pants. 

" do you have a belt," i asked him looking at the outfit i layed out onto the bed.

"yeah here," he said taking off the belt he had on.

"Ok now get out so i can change," i told him pushing him.

"Star there is a literal bathroom right there," he said pointing to the black door with a snake painted on it.

I walked towards the bathroom door. I opened it. The first thing i realized was the snake on the mirror making me jump a little bit. There was a nice cozy green rug. I look up and it is like a galaxy i actually liked it it was gorgeous. 

I took the black pants and they were a bit baggy but i was fine i could walk put them on. I took the belt wrapped it around. I took the white buttoned up shirt put it on. I looked in the mirror. The belt showing how perfect my curves were. The white shirt see threw a little bit showing off my green and black lace bra.

"Your not wearing that," draco told me as i walked out of the bathroom.

"Yes i am draco you do not own me," i told him about to open the door to leave.

Draco lighty took my hand and spun me around so i was now facing him. It felt weird i didnt want to yank myself from him for once. I felt safe as he was holding me. I laid my head onto his chest. 

"May i," he asked me signaling to put his hand onto my back.

"Yeah," i told him.

I flinched at his touch. His hands were cold.

"Draco your hands are like ice," i told him giggling into his chest.

"im sorry do you want me to remove my hand," he said moving his hand away from my back.

With my free hand i took his hand and placed it back onto my back.

"It's fine right here," i said looking up at him.

His eyes had sparkles in them. The greyness moving into a bluish color as i looked into his eyes.

Both of our faces kept getting closer and closer until the door swinged right open. Me and draco jumped from positions and stepped away from each other. A girl with short hair walked in like she was mad or something. 

"Who the fuck are you," she said looking at me.

"Jade Valentine," i said looking at her.

"Well get out and dont touch my boyfriend ever again or i will kill you," she told me stepping closer to my face until she was right in my face with each word.

"First of all your breath stank like fish and second of all you can have him i don't like him anyway," i told her shoving her shoulder as i walked past her towards the door.

"Slut," i head her mumble under her breath.

"What did you call me," i said stopping myself in front of the door and turning around and looking at her.

"I said SLUT," she said it too me once again.

The word slut was something I hated anyone calling me that it made my blood boil. I walked u to her and punched her in the jaw. She fell to the floor. I stood over her and i sat on her thighs and took my wand and carved into her neck 'SLUT.' She screamed as i did it. I could hear draco telling me to get off of her.

But i blocked out any sounds. Except The girls screams. It made me laugh a lot. I finished carving into her neck. I bent down into her ear and whispered.

"Watch who you call a slut too bitch," i told her as i got off her.

"Crazy bitch," she said as i was getting up.

I watched as she cried and screamed. I walked up to the door as i turned i looked at draco as he was right by the girl holding her head up as she was about to die.

"She is fine she won't lose any blood i made sure," i said as i winked at him.

A/N: The spice wont come for a little while i'm sorry.

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