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I walked out of dumbledore's office. I actually didn't want to leave this school it felt like home. I felt my cheeks go hot. Then my eyes started to burn and everything got all blurry. I couldn't see anything but a blonde boy with a black suit towering over me. Of course it was draco. I quickly wiped my tears with my sleeve.

"What do you want draco," i told him while sniffing my nose to stop snot from coming out.

"Hey hey what's wrong," he asked me.

He took his hand and placed it on my face making me flinch. "Star im not going to hurt you, you know that right," he said as i nodded. He took his thumb and rubbed it against my cheek wiping waterver tears i still had.

"Now what happened you know you can talk to me," he said as he put his forehead on mine closing his eyes.

I pushed him off me. "What the fuck draco first you tell me too keep my hands off you then you come and do all this no just go draco because as you said i am the problem i'm so glad i am leaving," i said not really meaning it.

"What do you mean your leaving," he said looking into my eyes.

"I got expelled because your little girlfriend told dumbledore what i did," i told him raising my voice.

"Let me fi-," he was saying.

"Just leave it there is no point anymore goodbye draco," i told him walking away.


I walked down to my dorm to get my trunk and pack. I walked into my dorm and saw ginny and Jay cuddling. I didn't want to say anything to them or move them because i don't want jay knowing what i did or know i was leaving because he will want me to stay. i took all my clothes and quickly packed them and left.

"Your not leaving Star," draco told me as i bumped into him as he took my trunk.

"Stop calling me that and i am so give me my trunk back," i told him shoving him for my trunk.

"Come get it," he said as he dangled it into my face.

He ran and i ran after him. As i was running i could feel the wind on my face turning my cheeks red and my nose slowly starting to run. My little legs couldn't keep up with his long ones. He was like sonic running i stopped and put my hands on my knees trying to catch my breath. Draco stopped and came running to me. 

"AHH look who had little short legs and can't run oh i know JADE VALENTINE ALSO KNOW AS STAR," he said laughing.

His smile was perfect. Straight teeth a nice white. They practically sparkled. He smelled amazing like Green apples and expensive cologne. His laugh was so like perfect. Everything about him is perfect. He is perfect.

Draco lifted me up over his shoulder. I felt like i was on top of a building. He was so much taller from up here. "LET ME DOWN DRACO I NEED TO CATCH THE TRAIN," i told him laughing threw my words and moving my hands onto his back.

"I told you Star your not leaving im not letting you your gonna have to get threw me," he said as he put me down.

"Draco why do you want me too stay so bad you literally told me i was a problem today during class i dont get it you hate me one minute then you want to go ahead and be all soft around me pick ONE draco be mean or soft," i told him getting mad.

"I want you to stay please Star," He said as his eyes softened up as he said those words.

"Draco i cant im sorry im going to miss the train goodbye draco," i said leaving with my trunk.

I heard draco in the distance as i left him there. This was going to be hard. I finally found my safe place and i had too leave it. I don't even know where i am going to be at. Maybe i could go to another wizarding school.                        

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