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I woke up and the first thing I saw was Draco standing at my door. I rolled my eyes at him.

I got out of bed and went too my drawer and took out a shirt and a crewneck that said 'fuck off' on it.

"Your not wearing that,"

"The fuck I am,"

"You look like a slut,"

I took out my wand and pointed it too his neck.

"Don't you dare call me that I will carve into your neck and kill you,"

He turned me around and I was pinned to the wall.

"Really because you didn't mind me calling you a slut when I fucked you right,"

"Just go draco,"

"Aww you mad,"

I slapped him and walked out of my dorm. As I was walking I bumped into someone.

Harry potter

"I'm so sorry oh shit your harry potter,"

"Yes and your Jade right,"

"Yes can I talk too you,"

"Those numbers you have on your arm I have them too I do not know what they mean,"

I remember being told as a kid those numbers. What do they mean?

"I don't either but u was hoping you could help me you know we could get too know each other,"

"Yeah I will like that alot how about right now,"

We walked down to the library and a book was sipped out and almost hit my face. I look to the side and see Draco.

"Hold on right here,"

I walked over too Draco and he was sitting down reading a book. His eyes met mine.

"Stop fucking following me Draco,"

"I'm not following you,"

"Well stop trying too talk too me or look at me I'm not your friend anymore,"

"Yeah I'm not friends with sluts,"

He was facing me and his legs were open. I took my foot and placed it right on his dick and with me toes I applied pressure pressing down on his dick.

"Don't talk too me ever again and do not call me a slut,"

I took my foot off of him. I saw harry at the books that was labeled werewolves.

"Jade look here are the numbers,"

"Why would the numbers be in a werewolve book,"

"FATHER 114275 FATHER," the voice began saying again.

"What's wrong jade," harry said coming down onto the floor on his knees.



"Fuck," I heard harry mumble under his breath.

The voices stopped and once again j felt exhausted. I needed too rest. But I wasent going too stop looking for the reason in why I can see her and why she is talking about numbers.

"What did she say,"


"Father? 114275,"


"Our dad isent alive tho he died in a car accident,"

"I was told mom died in a car accident,"

"I was told she died in a fire,"

Harry went too go with his friends he said he needed a bit of time too get his head wrapped around all of this.



"Mate she likes you,"

"No she does not,"

"She got mad when you said you were just friends and not she is trying her best to avoid you,"

Maybe jade did actually likes me. Why would she like someone like me.

I went too go find Jade. I saw her sitting down at the great hall eating.  She is truly gorgeous even when she is eating.

I walked over too her table and she made eye contact with me. I signaled her too come here.

She was walking over too me. Alot of the guys and girls turned their head too look at her as she was walking towards me.

We walked down too my dorm and I shut the door as she came. I wanted too have a actual conversation with her.

"Star I know you don't wanna talk please just listen,"

Her eyes met mine.

"You have changed me into a good person and I hate it i need you too understand that you mean everything to me and I don't want too hurt you,"

"Star say something,"

"WHAT do you want me too say Draco that I care for you and you mean everything to me,"

"Yes I do,"

"Well I don't so could I leave now,"


I walked out of the room. Draco told me he cared for me and I said I didn't. Of course I care for him I have never cared for someone like I care for him.

I don't want people thinking I have a soft spot for him. It will ruin everything.

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