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It's been about a few months since I had talked too Draco or Ginny or Jay. I have mainly had my heads in books trying to figure out 114275 and father meant.

Harry has told his friends Hermione and Ron and they are helping too. Hermione believes that we should leave it alone because the spell that was used to get into our heads was Dark magic.

I can't leave it alone.

My mom is trying to reach out too me and My brother I can't just leave it alone. Harry has been stressed out about it.

He uses anger to push people away but I haven't left him neither has his friends.

"Harry do you have anything on mom,"

"I found out where she used to live I was gonna check that out today after this class if you wanna come,"

"Yeah I'm gonna come who's going,"

"Me and you and Hermione and ron,"


. . .

We all made it too my mom's house. I don't remember anything from here but I think harry does and I know being here was going too bring back memories.

"Are you ready harry,"

"You go in i need some time,"

I walked in with Hermione while Ron stayed outside with harry. I looked around and I remember this house.

I wasent even born when she died but I remember being here. The walls are a nude shade and have some type of design on it.

"Jade your gonna wanna see this," Hermione said holding a frame.

"Holy shit is that-,"

It was Draco and Tom riddle beside my mother in a picture. Draco looks young and Tom riddle looks like he is in his mind 30s.

"HARRY," Hermione yelled.

"I'm coming Hermione hold on,"

Harry walked in and looked at the photo I was holding.

"Is that Draco malfoy?"

"Look who is next to mom,"

"Tom riddle but that can't be he is dead,"

"Or is he died harry?"

The voices started up again and me and Harry dropped to the floor.


The voices stopped and me and Harry looked at each other in a confused way.

"Who is that guys," Ron said looking at the man with a mask on and a black cloak.

"AVADA KAVADA," the man with a mask shouted.

We all ducked before it could hit any of us.

"AVADA KAVADA," I screamed pulling out my wand and pointing it too him.

Holy shit.

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