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I headed out of draco's room to go back to my dorm. 

"Holy shit now way You two i mean it makes sense," i said as i walked in on Jay and ginny going at it.

"Just get out Jade im a bit bust if you can't tell," Ginny said onto of Jay with the sheets covering her and Jay.

"Alright you two are still coming down to classes tho," i said still at the door absorbing them both and laughing.

"Yes get out," Jay said interpreting Ginny from talking.


I made it to Positions. I walked in and everyone's eyes turned to see me. I heard whispers as i walked down to sit next to Draco. I turned too see draco and his eyes had rage filled in them. His leg bouncing up and down. His rings on his fingers coming on and off as he played with them.

"Draco are you ok," I asked as i put my hand on his thigh to calm him down.

"Get your filthy mudblood hands off of me," he said as he removed my hand from his thigh.

How did he know? I never said anything to anyone about my blood status. Why was he acting like this? 

"What the fuck draco what's your problem," i asked him in a mad tone.

"You your the problem," he told me.

 I slapped him. 

"Fuck you draco fuck you," i told him while standing up about to leave the class.

"Mrs. Valentine Dumbledore wants to see you in his office," he told me as he was walking into the class.

"I don't know where that is," i told him with my arms crossed across my chest.

"Malfoy would you please show her where dumbledore's office is," Snape said looking at draco.

"Yes Professor," i heard draco say.

When he got up i gave him a death glare. He gave me one back. We walked down to Dumbledore's office. Draco And i just walked in complete silence all you could hear was out fear clanking onto the metal floor below us. We made it to the office i opened the door and he had some teachers were in there already.

"Sorry," i said as i was halfway to closing the door.

"No No it is fine please come take a seat," He told me.

I walked over to the seat he pulled out for me and I looked around. A red and blue kinda yellow bird was on a stance staring at me. There was a bookcase with alot of books about birds.  Finally my eyes made it back to where he was sitting.

"Has your dad talked to you about your mom yet Jade," he asked me.

"My mom she died in a car accident 2 years ago," i told him with my voice breaking a little bit due to the topic of conversation.

"Ok Well the reason i called you up here was because i heard what happened and what you did to Mrs. Parkinson so is it all true," he asked me while writing something down.

"Who is Mrs. Parkinson?" i asked him confused on who that person was.

"Pansy she has short black hair," He told me trying to describe her.

"Oh her yeah if the thing i did was carve into her neck the word 'SLUT' Then yes," I told him fixing my position on the chair.

"Well Ms. Valentine i am going to need to expel you for that doing," he told me.

"Yeah ok whatever when do i leave," i asked him.

"You don't seem so surprised at all," he told me.

"Yeah well i don't really care and i don't like it here so when do i leave," i asked him again tyring to get a answer.

"Tonight," he told me.

"Great," i said to him.

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