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"Star," I heard draco's voice.

"What," I said in a angry tone.

"What's wrong,"

"God nothing Draco,"

I walked towards the door reaching for the door handle.

"Where are you going," Draco said.

"Where the fuck do you think I'm going Draco to the fucking mountains I'm going outside,"

I fully opened the door and my body got a wave of chills. It was cold outside very cold and I was only out with a white button up shirt and boxers.

God jade!

I'm so stupid why am I out here without pants or even a shirt. I can get raped out here or worse kidnapped.

I ran back into the house. I slammed the door as I did. I rushed up the stairs and I heard footsteps coming with me.

I made it too my room and I slammed open the door and shut it on whoever was following me.

"Ow fuck jade," I heard Jay voice coming from the other side of my door.

"Leave me alone Jay I wanna be alone please,"

He opens the door slowly as I ride my head up from the wrinkled pillow I shiver my face in.

He sat on the edge of the bed.

"What happened jade,"

"Nothing Jay I'm fine just I can't stop thinking about my dream and I want too stop thinking about it cause I don't wanna see him in that way at all cause I'm just gonna get my heart broken,"



"What kind of dream,"

"A sex dream,"

He bursted out laughing like full on laughing where he couldn't breathe.


"Draco had one about you too you both had sex dreams last night," he said co trolling himself a little bit but still laughing harder as he said those words.


The spell where you control other people's dreams.


"I'm sorry jade but I had too I had too,"

"DRACO LUSCIS MALFOY COME HERE," I said yelling so he can hear me.

I heard his feet come running up the stairs he kicked the door open.

"What what happened are you ok star," he said coming towards my face too look at me make sure I'm ok.

"Did you have a sex dream about us," I said looking at him while Jay was bursting out laughing and so was Ginny now.

He nodded.

"JAY did the Suenos spell on us,"

Draco hit Jay on the back of his head. I started laughing.

"You think that's funny huh star,"

"Yes very very funny to me,"

Draco came on top of me and started tickling me. I cried out and laughed for him to stop but I liked it j was getting kinda turned on . . .

Authors note: sorry it's short I am doing school lol and surving off of zero sleep

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