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After me and Jay finished down on the astronomy tower. We walked down to the Great hall to go eat something. We both could barely see due to how much we both smoked. We spotted Draco and Ginny.

"DRACO GINNY HEYYYY," i could hear jason yell out from behind me.

"Jay shh you're going to draw attention to us we don't want that we are high as fuck we are going to get caught," i said covering his mouth and whispering.

We both walked towards the slytherin table and sat next to each other while Ginny and Draco sat next to each other.

"Are you two high?" i heard draco ask me and jason as he looked at our eyes.

"No," me and jason said in union.

We both laughed like crazy for no reason. We looked at each other and we were both crying and we laughed even harder. Jason grabbed one of the breads off the table and took a bite and choked. Which only made us laugh 10x harder.

"Omg they are both high," ginny said eating her salad and shaking her head.


I woke up and looked around and it wasn't my dorm so i got up really quick. I opened the door and saw draco. I ran into him. 

"my god draco knock," i said looking at him.

"Its my dorm jade," he said looking down at me due to how short i was compared to him.

"still and why am i in your dorm we didn't like have sex?" i asked him kinda scared for the answer.

"well you and jason got high like i man high to the point where you were stripping in front of the great hall and jason stripped with you, So we had to take you guys to your dorms but you didn't stop banging on my door and i opened it and you fell into my hands and i put you onto my bed and i slept on the couch in the common room and no we didn't have sex," he said laughing.

I sat on his bed with my elbows on my knees and my face in my hands. "omg my first day ehre and i stripted in front of everyone just great," i said running my hands thru my hair.

I left his room. I went to go find Ginny and ask  her if all of that was true because i wasn't believing draco not one bit. I walked down to the great hall and spotted Jason and Ginny. I walked towards them and kinda speed walking.

"Jason please tell me we didn't really," i said slapping my hands onto the table as i sat down.

"Jade we did," he said laughing and shaking his head.

" Dude my god my tits were out im guessing," i said looking at him.

"Yeah you showed me them, they are pretty nice not gonna lie," Ginny said laughing.

"My god first day here and i made a fool out of myself," i said looking at him and ginny.

"not really everyone was laughing and cheering they all think your like a bad bitch," Ginny said looking at me.

"well it is cause i am of course im jade valentine," i said now grabbing some eggs and eating them.

A/N: i ended this chapter weirdly. But i hope you are enjoying this so far.

Tic tok: dracomalfoysfuturewife0

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