chapter 28

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Matt's POV

"Now who's going next!" Oh my god Rebeccas awesome and gorgeous and funny it's no wonder everyone has a crush on her already. I'm so not happy about what Cameron's doing. He literally forced Carter to dare her to kiss him.

Rebecca's POV

We've passed the bottle around at least three or four times and everyone is feeling real good, especially me because I think I've taken the most shots. I lost my phone and I've been dare to kiss ever last person in the room including Nash. I mean that sounds like I don't like him but I feel like he's my brother not a cute boy. Ocean has been dareto kiss the boys to but she has a boyfriend so she passed. Now she's almost as drunk as I am. We have decided to stop our game and go back down stairs since I want to dance, even though I can hardly move. Standing up I move towards the door gracefully which is odd since I'm drunk as a skunk. I may need to stop my drinking for the rest of the night. A pair of hands go around my waist and I turn around and see Cameron has attached himself to me. I giggle and turn around and lock my door. I still don't want people in my room. I am not wanting to clean cum off of my bed.

"Cameron what are you doing?" I look and he smiles, he's drunk to. Maybe the vodka wasn't a good idea. What time is it? I look at the clock on the wall and see that its 1:27in the morning. Ugh Its not even that late what the fuck man. As I walk down the hall Cameron is still attached to my waist and his head is like squished right above my butt. I laugh and try to pull him off of me but his grip is tight.

"Cammy let go please, I can't even see your cute little face when your behind me!" What am I saying? Did I call him Cammy? His laugh rings out and I giggle when he let's go and grabs my wrist turning me around. His face is inches from mine and my heart has sped up instantly.

"Hi!" I smile and he laughs.

"Hi to you too!" His smile widens and his dimples deepen. I never noticed his dimples, I guess you can't see them unless your close up. ❤

"Let's go dance , please , please , please!!!" He laughs and I drag him to the living room where the music swallows us. I can't hear anything else but the sound of Mac Miller's " loud " plays and I rap along to it. Turning around I find Jack J watching me. I smile and rapp at him making him rap with me. We rap until we can't breath and then laugh.

"Your really good Rebecca , do you write?" I nod and listen to the next song that comes on. Its a Chris Browns "Look at me now"  I smile and he gestures for me to demantrait. I rap to it and get a look from the girl next to me and she taps he friend next to her and they watch me and I smile. Jack texts something and I get nervous. I keep going but I don't know what to do its getting fast but I know I can keep up I've rapped to this song so many times. A lot of people are watching me and someone turned the music down so that they could hear me and I try not to laugh when someone says something like "holy shit, that's a girl rapping." The song is almost done and I look too my right and someone is taking a video and I give the a thumbs up.

The song ends and I throw my hands in the air and everyone cheers. I laugh and jack walks up and hugs me. I don't know why he's hugging me.

"Rebecca that was awesome , I mean I can't even rap that all the way threw." Someone taps my shoulder and I turn around and see all the guys standing behind me. I smile and they all laugh.

"Rebecca that was so cool, I didn't know you could rap!" Shrugging I answer.....

"Yeah , I don't know I don't really do it often. I like doing it though. Its fun."

"Yeah and your good at it, guys we need to tell Bart about her, maybe we can bring her on tour. " Taylor pushed threw and laughed

"Already taken care if guys. I sent him the video of her rapping and he says she is amazing that the tour would love to have her!" Scrunching up my face I give them a weird look. What are they talking about, what tour?

"Guys what are you talking about? I'm so confused!" The room is to hot right now. All of them have stupid grins on their faces.

"Well you know how we do vines and videos? Well we have also been doing shows and traveling a lot going to states and cities doing those shows! Its called Magcon and we totally think you should go with us and rap with the Jack's.

" Whoa guys this is so much and I'm still a little drunk so let's talk about it tomorrow! All I want to do is take a shower and sleep!"they nod but look a little disappointed. I think I'm going to say yes but suspends is always the way to go.


Hey guys sorry for the short chapter! I will be posting more OK I promise. Love you guys make sure to like and comment!

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