thirty three

35 1 0

Kaylins POV

Rebecca is the best. Last night the guys all pranked her and she came up with the best fucking plan to get them back,and its genuise. I'm super excited to help.

"Hey Kaylin do you want to go shopping with me?" Becca's sitting on the bed next to me laying on Kian's stomach.

"Um is that a trick question. Duh I want to go shopping. " she laughs gets up and pulls in her vans. Kians eyes watch her the whole time I think he has a thing for her. She whispers something to Kian and he stands up and walks out with us. I don't bother waking Cameron since he wouldn't want to go anyways.

We get in the cab waiting for us go to the mall and spend like three hours there. When were done its 3:45 so we go back to the hotel and change to go to a carnival that we heard was going on. *wink wink*

Rebecca and I decide to wear matching out fits which consist of low rise white skinny jeans with flowy black lace crop tops and vans she curled her hair with a wand and we did our makeup together. While we were getting ready a Chris brown song came on and she started to rap to it. The whole time she was putting on eyeliner. Like what the fuck , this girl is skilled. I clap when she's done and she blushes and takes a bow but Johnson came in and challenged her to a rap battle.

"OK I'll kick your ass in a freestyle rap if there's a twist. If I win you have to walk around with your boxed on your head for an hour at the fair and I'll time you!" I laugh and she continues with her makeup seeming calm.

"Ok and if I win you have to hmmmm oh you have to bye me as much food as I want at the carnival. " she kids and they shake hands. She giggles and goes to his suit case looking for his underwear. She finds some with emojis on them and she hands them to Jack.

"These otta do!" I laugh and cam comes up behind me wraps his hands around my waist and pecks my cheek. Johnson and Rebecca have already begun their battle and I heat every cuss word known to man fall from Becca's lip and I'm shocked that she even knows those words. But I'm not concentrated on them right now. I'm concentrated on the fact the Cameron's hands have ventured from my waist to my thighs in an instant. Can and I have had sex before but his touch always comes as a shock. His fingers running up and down my body gives me an adrenaline rush like no other. My thoughts are interrupted by shouts and screams and laughter. Becca takes a bow and I realised she won. Oh my gosh she won.

"Yay way to go Becca. " she hugs me and hands Johnson his underwear planting them on his head adjusting them.

"You look good Johnny boy you look good." He frowns and rolls his eyes she kisses his cheek and takes the ubderwearniff his head.

"You don't have to wear them I was just messing with you, but I still win!" He laughs and hugs her.

This is gonna be a fun night.

Rebecca's POV

I schooled Johnson in our rap battle but I didn't make him wear his underwear hat. The punishment for the prank will be enough.

"Guys let's hurry up or it will be to late to get funnel cake and mama likes her funnel cakes. " Kaylin laughs and links arms with me and we walk out laughing like idiots. I really like her it's like she really gets me. Like we're twins, not yo mentions our outfits which are on point. We bought them while shopping today and Kian can with us. He's so cute. His smile can brighten the whole state if Texas and then some. He's super funny to,all the guys are funny but he makes me laugh extra hard.

"Ate you ready for the best prank ever. " Kaylin laughs and nods her head.

"Do we have to prank Cameron?' I nod.

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