thirty two

46 1 1

Rebecca's POV

"Guys this isnt funny , please come out I'm not playing. I'm going to lock you out of the room and I'm not going to feel bad. " the guys left me in a dark ball room downstairs. We were playing tag but then they all left me. I've already called everyone and they won't pick up.

"Guys I'm serious. I'm getting really mad. " honestly I'm not mad I'm a little scared. I mean I don't want to be that one girl who dies in every scary movie.

I move to the lobby and no ones there not even the guy that checked us in. I decide to just go to the room again but something runs by me. Vega.

"Vega baby come here honey. " vega comes up and rubs against my leg and I pick her up. She clings to my chest and I let go and she still clings to me. She's cute haha but I don't know how she got out of the hotel room. The door was closed. Wait if she got out where's Cali.

As if the answer my question Cali comes trotting up panting like she ran a marathon. I pet her and call her to walk with me and I get in the elevator and we go to the room.

The door is open and all our stuff is thrown around.

"What the fuck Cali did you do this. " she shakes her head like she understood me and I laugh. I laugh because I'm confused and a little scared. I start picking things up and folding them and the door creaks making me jump. Its just vega going threw the bathroom door.

Cali whines at me and I'm assuming she's hungry. I grab a cup and dip it in the bag of food and poor some on the ground since I don't have a bowl yet. She eats it quick and I give her some water from a water bottle and she makes a mess. She's adorable. Vega meows and I laugh at Cali who licks her to calm her. My phone beeps and I run to it.

Its from Matt.

"Help us were in the gym. " I'm confused. What's happened. Pulling back on my shoes I closed the door leaving Cali and Vega who whine at the door. I have to run in order to stop myself from letting them out. I'm such a sucker.

I run to the gym and the lights are off. I call out for Matt and there's a muffled cry. Tears start to form and I don't know why.

"Matt are you OK where are you?" I lean around the corner and find the light switch. I switch it on and I gasp a little but cover my mouth, I see the guys all tied together. It looks like there all asleep but Matt's head is nodding up and down half asleep. I race to him and kneel down crying and begging him to look at me. He looks up and tears slide down his cheek making me sob.

"Matt what happened are you OK. " he nods and looks down at the rope tying his hands together I tugg at it but hear a grunt and look up and see Sam (pottorff) moving a little. His fingers motioning for me.

I slide over and look at him. He looks like hes been crying but I can't tell yet. His phone is next to him and I hand it to him. He types something and motions for me to look at it

"Gottcha" I look up and he has a smirk on his lips. I think about smacking him but I have a better idea. Getting up I grab the rope and tighten it. Tying it tighter and set the knot in Matt's hands

"Bye guys have fun with your prank. Oh and JC don't worry I'll feed Vega for you!" They all gasp and start yelling for me to come back.

"If you don't come back in an hour I'll come back but if you come back before don't talk to me!" I leave quickly before my tears stain the floor and I let out a soft sob. Why would they pull such a dumbass prank.

I go back to the room and immediately go back downstairs and to the gym where I see the guys struggling with the rope. They look up and I just glare and walk to the rope.

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