thirty one

36 1 0

"OK guys let's go eat!"Nash whoops and Hayes plays with Cali

I pick up Vega and look at her. How is she supposed to tell us where to go? Rubbing her neck I hit her collar and run my thumb over her name and look closer. Oh god Connor should be a professional treasure hunt planner. Her collar says "Bjs bar and grill" hah I guess were eating good.

"Guys who wants bjs?" The noise stops and I get some funny looks. Oh my god hahahahahahaha oops.

"Hahaha I didn't mean that hahha oops it's a restraunt. " they all laugh and I tap on the glass and again get yelled at.

"Cali come here baby meet your cousin Vega. " my baby comes over and jumps on my lap and licks my face and Vega walks over and climbs on top of my puppy purring. Were all just one big happy family.

"Guys I still can't believe you bought me a dog!" Nash blows me a kiss and I pretend to catch it and stuff it in my pocket with as much love I can muster plastered on my face. He laughs and the car jumps scaring me making me gasp and the guys laugh at me.

"Guys that's not funny it scared me. " they continue to laugh and I flip them off and laugh too. We get to the restraunt five minutes later and we all pile out and I take the Cali and Vega and put Cali on a cute leash that Nash got her. They also got her a huge bag of dog food and a bed. I need to get a crate for when we fly but for now were good, I actually think that we are driving to the next destination. The guys run inside and I'm dragged by Cali and trying to keep Vega safe lol.

"Guys here someone needs to take Vega so I can get.....ahhhhhhhhhhh" I'm stopped and screamed out when someone jumps out at me. I put my hands up and then down when I almost drop Vega.

"God damn it man I almost killed your cat!!" JC laughs and takes Vega. And bends down to pet Cali.

"Is this your dog Becca?" I nod and giggle.

"Yeah um I just got her like less than an hour ago,isn't she cute her names Cali, like California. " he nods and Vega licks Cali and Cali returns the favor.

"Hey your Rebecca right? Aww who's this little cutie?"looking up I nearly die. Kian lawely is right in front of me. He bends down and pets Cali. I never thought I would be jealous of a dog but here we are. He looks up and smiles his amazingly beautiful smile and I melt completely. Before I can reply someone's on my back screaming my name. I scream and fall over and look to find Matt on the ground laughing his ass off.

"Matthew I swear to god if you do that again imma get Cali to rip you to shreds." My threat isn't a very good one because Cali's already licking and playing with Matt.

"I don't know about that Beck's. She seems harmless. " I laugh and pick my baby up and she licks my face and puts her paws on my chest.

"I love my baby Cali. She is so good and nice. " she responds with more kisses and I put her down and hold the leash but Matt takes it and tells me to go sit and get introduced to everyone.

"OK ok I'm going don't lose my dog. " turning around I see Kian still standing next to me.

"Um hey haha , we should set up a play date , um for the dogs. I have my dog hazel and she needs doggy friends. " I laugh and nod smiling about our weird conversation.

Walking up to a table of really hot guys is like walking into a room while on your period and thinking "I hope no one knows" its that awkward.

"Rebecca come sit down, come sit with me, move Trevor!" Ricky Dillon wants me to sit with him. Oh my god. He made Trevor move but before he noved chairs I hugged him and said sorry. He laughed and sat next to Connor Franta who made a face when Trev burped in his face.

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