thirty seven

43 1 16

So did that just happen?

*flash back*

"Oh my gosh this is so good. How did you guys find this place?" Calum laughs and takes a piece of spaghetti off my plate and slurps it.

"Eeww wipe your mouth Calum!" I laugh

"Make me!" He laughs and I get up grab my napkin and climb on Calum wiping his mouth repeatedly. He laughs and starts tickling me.

"Nnoo Calum stoppppp please.  Hahha now!!!" He laughs and my knee hits the table and I yelp.

"Ooww Calum you asshole now you have to kiss it!" I hold up my knee and he pecks it and then licks it.

"Eweew your gross!" He smiles and licks my cheek too! I turn around and lick his face to.

"Cat kiss!" He laughs and I get up only to be pulled down my Kaylin.

"What's shaking baby!" We laugh and I take a bite of her bread.

"Ok now let me eat I'm so hungry." She nods and I get up and sit back down. I eat half my plate before I'm full, the portions here are huge.

Once we finish we head up to there hotel and Cameron and Kaylin come with us. Laying in the bed I take my hair and throw it in a messy bun but I take it out because it irritates me.

"I'm going to take a shower. " Luke smirks in his chair across from me and I give him a look and Kaylin catches it. She jumps up and follows me.

"Did you and Luke do something???" She looks like she's going to explode. I nod and she cracks up laughing her ass off.

"Shut up Kaylin they'll here us!" Before we can do anything I here a boom and I run out. Kaylin follows and I see Mikey on top if Luke yelling about His cousin. Oh shit.

"Mikey get off of him now you dumbass. It was my idea. " he stops and looks at me and gets up. He looks at Luke and apologizes.

"I'm sorry Luke I hit you over my whore of a cousin!" His words smack me and I run out of the room. I make it to the elevator before I start crying. I hate myself. I'm a whore and I know it I've had sex with Nash and Luke and I'm a big fat whore

*flash back over*

I've ran most of the way back to our hotel and my tears have stopped. All my emotions are drained and I just want to take a shower and sleep. My make up is ruined and my hairs a mess my feet hurt and I smell like sweat. Walking in the door of the hotel I scan the room and my eyes land on Mikey and he stands up but I'm not talking to him. I walk away and hop in the elevator.

"Becca wait I'm sorry ple__" the door shut and his words stop and I just sigh. I go to the room grab my stuff and walk out Calum runs over to me and hugs me tight. I give him a small smile and walk out and go back downstairs to hail a cab. Mikey follows me but I ignore him.

"Bye Mikey I'll talk to you later. " he frowns and he slumps over walking inside. I head back to the hotel and go to my room. I undress and take a shower. It feels so good to get clean and bow I'm hella tired. I pull on a Cameron Dallas shirt and climb in bed with only panties on. I'm so glad we don't have Magcon tomorrow because I'm going to sleep all day.

*two hours later*


"WHAT THE FUCK?"  Jumping out of bed I run to the door and swing it open about to scream at some dumbass when I see Cameron. He slumped over and laughing his ass off.

"What the fuck Cameron I'm tired as fuck and you show up....are you drunk?" He laughs and shakes his head dramaticly from side to side. I give him the "du fuq" look and he burst out laughing. Turning around I grab a cup filling it with water and go back and hand it to him. He's already walked into my room and basicly jumped on my bed and I just stare. What the hell is wrong with him.

"Becca come here, I need you!" I frown and walk to the bed and cross my legs criss cross apple sauce. He smiles and slides his hands up my thigh and I kindly take it off and throw it to the side. He sits up laughing and stares at me. He smirks and looks down at my shirt.

"Nice shirt!" He laughs and I look down , I totally forgot it was his shirt. I blush and roll my eyes.

"Whatever Cammy why are you in my room at 2:35 in the morning. " I rub my eyes and yawn. I really am tired.

He smirks and takes off his shirt and lays back.

"What are you doing Cameron. Seriously I'm tired and where's Kaylin. " he frowns and I get up.

"Cameron your drunk and you need to either leave or I kick you out!" He frowns again and gets up. I wave like a bitch and say "byeeeee" and shut the door and grab Cali. She's been asleep in the corner the entire time. She's just as tired as I am. I take her and climb in bed cuddling her. I get a text and I see "KEY-YUN" lighting up my screen.

"Hey Kian whats up?"

Oh hey I thought you be asleep but I guess not. Um I was just calling to see if you wanted some ice cream. " I smile to myself and nod. Then I realize he can't fucking see me.

"Oh hah yeah that sounds awesome. I wan...." He interupts me.

"Double chocolate Oreo with fudge and carmal. I know I'll be over in five." I smile to my self and say ok and hang up. He knows exactly what I wanted.

Five minutes later I hear a knock and jump up and open the door screaming "ICE CREAM!" Kian laughs and hands me mine. I walk back to the bed and he follows along with Jack J and Jack G and some girl with really pretty hair. She clinging to Jack G and I already think she's not good for him.

She smiles and I smile back.

"Hey guys who's this?" I point to the girl and she introduces herself as Madison Jack Gs girlfriends and I almost puke. She's already on my nerves. I walk to my bed and Jack J sits next to me and takes my spoon. I snatch it back and growl at him. He laughs and holds his hands up in the air.  Laughing I feed him some and Kian lays down next to me and I ruffle his hair. His hairs so soft.

I share my ice cream with Johnson and keep feeling like that Madison girl is staring at Kian and its pissing me off.

"Madison why don't you take a picture it last longer. " she frowns and looks at Jack. What's he gonna do? Kian looks at me and I shrug.

"Just remember I'm prettier than you!" I look up and smirk. She frowns and the guys look from me then her and I just bust up laughing. She scoffs and sits back.

"I think you ugly. Not on the outside but on the inside. Your kinda a bitch!" She gets up and walks to the bed and grabs my foot pulling me off the bed. I kick her and get up. She hits the table with her baby hip and let's out a cry. I walk up and smack her right across the cheek and spit my words at her.

"Don't ever touch me again dumbass or I'll fuck up that pretty little face of yours and I'm sorry Jack that I hurt your girlfriend but she pushed it to far. " he nods and walks her out. I frown and get back on the bed. I can hear her yelling from outside the door about not defending her and I roll my eyes.

JJ burst out laughing and then so does Kians and eventually I do to. We laugh so hard I snort and we all laugh harder.

"Sorry guys she just pissed me off!" They laugh again and JJ falls off the bed. I laugh and help him back up and curl up next to him. JJ laughs and hugs me and I have to pee.

Getting up I go to the bathroom and use it and come back to see both boys are asleep cuddling Cali. Crawling betweent them I text Jack that I'm sorry again and fall asleep.


Hope you liked the chapter kinda a filler but it works. Hah lice you guys.

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