chapter 21

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Ocean and I are literally crying right now. The season premiere of Teen Wolf is coming on in like two minutes but we can't watch it. Uggghhhhh fucking rehearsals fucked up my life. But don't worry I recorded it , like the fucking boss I am.

"I'm so mad right now. " I nod agreeing with Ocean and Jack G comes in looking like he's going to cry.

"Jack what's wrong babe? " I rush over and immediately wrap him in a hug making sure he's ok. He smiles slightly and nods.

"Savannah just broke up with me! She said the stress of a long distance relationship wasn't working for her. " I begin to tear up and Jack looks at me like I'm crazy.

"Now why are you crying Becks?" I laugh and wipe the tears away.

"I don't like that she hurt you and I'm sad that your sad!" A new surge of tears arrive and they fall and I begin to laugh. I probably look crazy sitting here crying my eyes out. But laughing at the same time.

Jack laughs with me and I fall over on the bed and grab Ocean and pull her on the bed with me making her laugh too. Yeah I know it's weird but she is literally like my girlfriend. We cuddle and share food and we've even kissed before. Not like make out with each other but pecks when we leave each other and when we are drunk and truth or dare is being played.

The door to our room openss and in comes Matt. He sees my face full of tears and rush over.

"Becks are you ok what's wrong?" He sends me into another laugh attack. I guess he feels like I'm laughing at him because he swiftly gets up and speed walks out of the room. For whatever reason I get up and chase after him.

"Matt wait what's wrong?" I have been running to catch up to him and I'm out of breath. Damn I need to work out more often.

"What Becks I was just making sure you were ok and you laughed in my face. You might not love me anymore but I still love you so much! And I don't want you hurt and I thought you were hurt or sad. " his words shock me and I don't know what to do.

God he's so cute it kills me,I can't help it I miss him so much. I can deny it till l the day I die but God I miss kissing and staring into his gorgeous hazel eyes. Ignoring my stupid sub conscious I lean up and pull Matt's big ful lips and crash them into mine.

He seems surprised but didn't hesitate to kiss me. Holy shit I miss him. Leaning up I grab a fist full of hair and tug making Matt moan, allowing me to slip my tongue into his mouth.

We are literally standing in a hallway making out like our life is a movie. Hell no! I pull back and fight the urge to shove my tongue back in his mouth and catch my breath.

"Matt I love you too and I'm sorry I know I don't deserve your forgiveness but I miss you..." before on could finish my sentence Matt grabbed my waist and me close. Leaning into his chest I take in his sent. I love the way he smells. It's a mix between like musk and cinnamon.

"Matt?" Hey looks down at me and kissed my head.

"Yeah?" I giggle and unattached myself take off down the hall running as fast as I could. Matt laughed and takes off after me sitting he was going to get me. I giggle and run to my room and jump on my bed waiting for him to come in. When he comes running in , I jump and wrap my legs around his waist for security and giving him a kiss. Getting down I googled my head off.

"Guess what Matt?"

"I missed you so much and you know why?" He looks up and raises an eyebrow

"Because I couldn't do this!" Walking over to the bed where Matt was I slowly sit down in his lap and wrap my arm around his neck.

"Well them it is a good thing we are together again so I can do this!" Leaning in Matt brings his lips to mine in as passionate and determined kiss.

Without breaking the kiss I move from sitting on his lap to straddling him and pushing him down on the bed.

Well that escalated quickly! But I can't stop now I'm so happy to be in his arms again and see him smiling again. Grabbing his shirt I pull it over his head and giggle when he blushed.

"Your so cute when you blush."] Blush deepens making me giggle again. Matt silences me by kissing my neck and finding my sweet spot he knows all to well.

Going any farther might be a mistake so I'm not going to give him his manly needs this time but I will soon. Only if he's a good boy haha. I'm kidding but I'm not. I love Matt and he loves me so I am almost ready to give myself to him. I just need to take care if something's first.

Girly things like waxing everything and getting my hair and makeup done plus birth control and condoms which I know he already has since he's a guy and they always have condoms. But he has to ask me on a proper date and then we will see about doing the nasty.

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