chapter 7

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*still Rebecca*

Ocean walked over to me looking buzzed and happy ! She hugged me and kissed my cheek telling me she missed me! I smiled took her beer away from her and drank most of it! I shoved my phone into Matt's hand and demanded he took a picture of me and my best friend! I smiled and posed with my butt sticking out a little!

All of a sudden I felt a hand squeeze my ass, I yelped and turned around pissed off and a little shocked, that someone would grab my butt! I pushed the drunk guy that seemed to be the culprit, and told him to fuck off! He didn't seem to get the memo that I wasn't into it because he wrapped his arm around my waist and tried to tugg me towards the living room!

I yelled at him and that seemed to catch Matt's attention and he came running towards me trying to help me! He yelled at the guy holding me by the waist saying...

"Hey asshole let her go ! She obviously doesn't want you!" He reluctantly let me go but he then procedded to get into Matt's face yelling at him about how he didn't know what I wanted! Matt shot back saying he knows I didn't want a drunken idiot!

Before I could warn Matt , the drunk asshole swung on Matt hitting him in the nose making him bleed! At that point I was seathing mad that the guy hit Matt! I ran and pushed the drunk guy with all my might , he fell into the wall and grunted! He got up and came towards me , but before I knew what I was doing I punched him right across the face! He fell to the ground and apparently fell asleep!

Before I could comprehend what happened , someone grabbed my hand and wrapped me in a hug ! It was Matt he was hugging me and asking me if I was OK ! He looked at me with concern and I think I could see a hint of love! He had blood coming out of his nose so I grabbed his hand and dragged him to the kitchen where I found a ragg and started to softly clean the blood off his face!

He kept asking me if I was OK and I kept replying yes I'm fine , now stop moving! I lifted my hands to his face and wiped the last of the blood off of his chin! I told him to pinch the bridge of his nose and lean back! He smiled and said " Yes mom!"

I smiled and laughed at his attitude! I went to grabbed my phone that Matt dropped he ran to help me! I found it and saw that Matt took a bunch of selfies with it! I laughed to myself and stuck the phone into my purse !

I walked back over to Matt who smiled at me! He wrapped me in a hug and call me his "million dollar baby" ( movie reference!) I melted into his hug and stuck my head in the crook of his neck! I was so comfortable! We sat like that for what seemed like forever until I heard Ocean come up next to us and say "I ship Mecca!!" I laughed and pulled away blushing!

*eight hours later*

I stayed till everyone was gone! Only because Matt was my ride home ,but I was still there and it wasnt even tired !! Matt on the other hand was almost dead! He was trying to stay awake because his parents were coming home at like twelve thirty that after noon! But because I'm awesome , I shoved Matt into his bed and covered him up with his blankets! He protested a little but quickly fell asleep! I'm just glad he locked all the doors upstairs!

I was up for another four hours cleaning his house spotless! It probably looks better than it did before the party! I washed all the dishes and swepted and mopped the tile floors! I picked up countless red cups , and I'm so glad I whatched a tutorial on how to get dark stains out of carpets ! I even found time to clean a sleeping Matt's room! He's a really deep sleeper because I tripped and fell right next to his bed, and I yelled on the way down ! He didn't even move!

I was so tired after that! I don't know if he would find this weird but I grabbed one of his shirts and a pair of his black sweat pants and went to the bathroom to change ! I pulled my hair up in a messy bun , washed all my makeup off ,because I realized I look like a really sleep deprived hooker with my tight dress high heels and night club makeup ! When I was done I came out folded my clothes and set them by his door! After that I climbed under his blanket and curled up in a ball and fell asleep right away!

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