chapter 25

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Hey there will be innopropriare content so enjoy

Why is love so complicated. I mean I'm not in love with Matt , honestly if I was I wouldn't be over him this easy. I'm laying in bed with Cameron Dallas eating pizza and trying to not talk to my best friend even though I forgave her immediately because she is my best friend. I love her but I still can't believe she would jump into bed with Matt. Like she knew we were still kinda together at the time. I haven't seen Matt since I hit him and I feel a little guilty. I might know where to find him.

Getting up from the bed and kissing can on the cheek I tell him I'm going for a walk just to clear my head.

"Do you want me to come with you? I don't want you outside at night like this. " I smile and say no that I will just be in the hotel not outside. He nods and kisses my cheek before I leave. I grab my phone and slip on my vans and walk out ignore Ocean asking if I was ok! No I'm not OK, I'm still a little upset but the pizza settled me down haha.

I go to Matt's room first and knock but there isn't an answer so I go to the elevators and hit the roof button. Like ever fucking classic romantic movie people end up on the fucking roof. This isn't a romance movie or novel. At least I don't think it is! The elevator dings and I step out cautiously.

"Matt are you up here? It me Rebecca. Im not going to punch you this time, I swear!" I here a chuckle and Matt calls for me. His voice is hoarse and thick with tears and I tear up just thinking of him crying. I love Matt despite what I said earlier and I don't want him hurting. Walking over I find Matt sitting on a lawn chair with puffy eyes and a red nose.

"Hey, look I'm sorry for hitting you earlier, I shouldn't have done that. " Matt laughs and I begin to get angry. Why is he laughing I'm trying to apologize and he laughs at me.

"Why are you laughing at me?" He stops laughing and looks straight at me.

"I'm not laughing at you I swear, its just that I literally slept with your best friend and your apologizing for punching me which I deserved for being a shitty boyfriend and friend I've broken your heart and ruined my chances with the most beautiful and caring girl in the world all in one eleimate of time. I'm really the worst person I can think of right now and I don't even deserve for to be talking to me!" I didn't notice I've been crying until my shirt began to stick to my collar bones. I thought I was done crying but I guess not!

"Matt I am sorry though, I love you and I hate you all at once. Right now I want to hug and console you because your crying but at the same time I want to punch you again." Matt chuckles and wipes at his tears making me laugh a little.  I really do love him and I love the way he's looking at me right now. Full of love and not lust, it makes me gittery and happy. What? Matt moves closer and I see his eyes, his eye lashes are wet with tears and sticking together. I take my hand and run my thumb over his eye lashes spreading them put, Matt's lips part as I bring my thumb to his mouth my other fingers brushing his jaw, he shivers and puts his hand on mine pulling it to kiss my palm. I close my eyes and let him because the gesture is sweet and I love this side of Matt. He cares and I know he does, I open my eyes and Matt's are closed making me smile. I love him, the way his hair fly's everywhere in the moring, and the way his smile gives me butterfly's even when we are apart. I love that he can make me laugh without trying and the way he plays with his dog burnie, the little things that he doesn't like to show are the things I want to have forever.

"Matt?" I don't know why I'm whispering but its a tender moment. He opens his eyes an looks at me and I see the sadness and pain but I also see love and longing.

"Kiss me please!" He nods and leans his head to the right. Our lips connect and I cry I cry because I love this boy so much and I don't want to let go of him! He makes me happy even when I'm mad at him.

I need him right now , in this moment I want all of  him, forever and ever, never letting go. I deepen our kiss and close the gap between. Matt's hands move to my hair and pull it out of the pony tail it was in. My hair falls and he whispers something into my lips I couldn't hear. But I don't care all I want is the happy silence. My hands go to the hem of his shirt and I pull it up in one sweep. He reconnects out lips and slips his hands under my shirt unclasping my bra. I pull my shirt over my head and take off my bra letting him look at me.

"God your so beautiful Becca !" I look down and then back up and take his hand leading it up my body , letting him touch me. He looks at me and then at my lips and then connects them again. His lips don't stay long though because they travel to my neck and find my sweet spot suck lightly at first then he gets rough. I suck in my breath and run my hand down his abdomen to the skin right above his pants line. He handles me and touches my sensitive spots on my chest making me moan. Matt's hands move to my shorts tugging at them asking if he can remove them and I step back and shimmy out of them leaving me topless and in only my panties. Matt gets on his knees and removes my panties in a swift movement making me giggle. Matt takes his hand and pushes against my thighs forcing me to spread my legs out in front of him. Matt looks up at me and I nod my head assuring him im OK with this. His hands move to his tongue and he licks his hand before bringing it to my body. I gasp under his touch and moan when his fingers slip into me.  My finger slip into his hair and I tug making him moan. He likes that, I pull a little harder and he moans my name making me laugh. I love that I have this kind of power over him.

"Becks let me make you feel good! I want to make you feel good!" I nod and let him guide me to the inside if the garden where there's a table and some chairs. He picks me up and sits me on the table and spreads my thighs again. The table is cold but it feels good against our hot bodies. Matt's fingers are replaced by his tongue and the difference is amazing. My body immediately responds with a moan I have to stifle with my hand and Matt moves his hands up and down my body I can feel myself building but before I can go any farther. 

I sit up and Matt jolts back. I can't help but laugh. I move forward and grab at Matt's belt undoing it and pulling it out. Matt pulls down his pants as I climb back onto the table and wait for Matt.

"Becks I don't have a condom!" I shrug and so does he.

Matt climbs on top of me and spreads my legs with his knee giving him space. Matt pulls down his boxers and his length kind of scares me. I reach down and take him in my hand and rub him a little he's already hard but it makes a man do feel special when you touch him first. Matt closes his eyes and I rub him until he can't take it and he takes my hands pins them down and moves into me. I gasp and then laugh. He feels so good, and I moan his name. Matt pumps into me the first few times it was slow and concise but then he would go faster and harder pushing into me making me moan loudly.

"Matt oh my god Matt harder please I need you!" With each word he pushes deeper and harder. I'm almost there I can feel it. My body tightens and Matt pushes into me one last time and I come undone screaming Matt's name. 

While screaming Matt's name something wrong , everything is changing. Matt's fading and I'm moving faster and farther away from him. I scream for him.

"Matt help me please Matt I love you!" I plead but Matt dissapears and everything is black.

Sorry for the short chapter and the cliff hanger but you will understand soon enough. Love you guys!

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