chapter 19

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I have not talked to Matt in three days and I can see that he is starting to regret what he did. But I'm not going to get back with him. Don't you think he deserves to suffer I mean not in a horrible way but he doesn't deserve to have my forgiveness. And I don't think I will forgive him soon. I will someday but for now he can suck my ass , I don't care.

We are at the venue right now and the boys are rehearsing for the show which is currently in Omaha. The Jack's home town. They are so happy to be here and I'm just happy for them. They are literally my favorite boys out of the group. I mean besides Nash and Hayes who I am closest with.

"Hey Rebecca will you hand me my water bottle?" The question is simple but it came from my least favorite person. Matthew Lee Espinosa.

I quietly stand up and pick up the bottle and hand it to him with a sweet smile. Haha he is so confused I mean yesterday I almost chucked his phone out of the hotel room and locked the door. It literally went off forty million time and I looked over at it one time and it said Sarah. Who the fuck is Sarah and why do I care? :(

After handing him his water bottle I get up and walk over to the boys and sit down on Sammys lap.

“Hey gorgeous what cha doing" I smile and shrug my shoulders and lean my head on his chest.

Sam wraps his arms around my waist and and rest his hand on my bare thigh. I'm wearing blue shorts with a red and grey flannel shirt tied around my waist with a black V neck shirt. And Vans BC what outfit is complete with out a pair of black vans. I brought out of my thoughts by a yell of frustration before I can even process what's happening I'm being lifted up and kissed by Matt. What the fuck?

I pull back without kissing him back and push him off of me.  Sammy is already in front of me in a protective stance. I'm glad for his protective but this is my fight not his.

I step around Sam and pull my arm back smacking Matt across the face.

"Don't you ever do that again! How date you put your lips on me after you put them on another girl. I thought you loved me and then you cheated on me and then acted like it was all fine and dandy. Well guess what Matt you are an asshole and I hate you. " He steps back shocked and angry. But then he comes forward again and puts his face close enough to mine that I smell his breath.

"You still love me Becks you always will and I do love you." I back away and walk towards the exit. Bracing myself for the tears I take a deep breath and let them fall knowing if I don't let them out myself they will come involuntarily. I need to call my mama. I pull out my phone a d dial her number but quickly hang up. No if I call her she is going to tell me I have to come him and forget about them. But I don't want to forget I want to be free and happy even though I have a my cheating ex boyfriend  hanging around me twenty four seven. I need to have girl talk but not with anyone here. I need to call Oceanside she will know what to do. I miss her so much. I pull out my  phone again and speed dial her and she picks up on the the third ring.

"What's wrong Rebecca my best friend senses have been tingling for the last two days"

"Haha Ocean I miss you so much and I need you. There is so much drama going on right now. You know how I told you that Matt cheated. On me with the maid?

"Yeah that prick had me pissed off that he would do that to you, but go on."

"Well today I was sitting on Sam's lap and he yelled and pulled me off his lap and kissed me...."

I told Ocean about the entire thing and we both cried for awhile and we talked the whole way to coffee shop down the street. We finished our conversation after a little of crying and then laughter about what our friend did in the subway. His name is Marcus and he does vines just like the boys. He got on the subway took his shirt off hung upside down and yelled "Sometimes I just don't care!!!" I laughed so hard I weazed and she snorted. We are literally the weirdest best friends ever.

I got in line and told her I would call her back when I got back to the venue and we both said goodbye. I love Ocean she makes me laugh when I'm sad and that just makes me happy. I order my drink and go sit down at a table until its called.

"Rebecca" the man calls my name and I got up and grab my cup and race out of the shop as fast as I can. I need to get back the show starts in like twenty minutes. I'm going to have to grab a can. But a car pulls up next to me and a familiar voice says my name.

I look at the person in the car and I scream.


Hey guys so I didn't know if you wanted to know what I look like or not but the header is a picture of me and yes it's from my snapchat story. And I'm hoping you guys like my story so far it has over two hundred reads and that makes me happy. It doesn't seem like a lot compared to other people's but its enough for me. Be sure to like and share my story I love you guys...

P.s my snapchat is ...ocean243

Ocean Painter

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