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Rebecca's POV

"Ok guys Connor said to follow the studded path, does that mean like horses or like cowboys? You know since were in Texas!" Cameron shrugged and looks away. What's his deal.

"Ok anyways letfiguretiiss out so we can meet the guys. Oh I'm so excited. " Nash smiles and grabs the letter. On the bottom theres a horse and under it it says ...

Best dudes ranch in town , Central Plaza. 9583 Yesterday court.

"Yesterday hey that's what Connor said in the letter. Can't wait to meet you all yesterday. " its all coming together and Im so excited now.

"Ohh ok let's go, give the driver the address!" Nodding I get up and crawl on the seats over to the window that seperates the driver from us. Knocking on the window it rills down and the driver seems irritated.

"Oh so y'all finally figured that out now did you? I don't need the address so you can sit back. " I laugh and sit down only yo fall on the floor and roll to the back of the limo.

"Guys stop laughing that really hurt. " I look around and Hayes and Nash are laughing there asses off and Cameron is still acting weird.

Getting up I sit down and look threw my phone ignoring the boys. I'm actually a little pissed off but I'll get over it. I decide to text cameron and ask him what's wrong.

Cam.....    Me

Hey are you ok did I do sonthibg or is it one of the guys. If you don't want to talk I understand but I'm just a little worried.

No I'm fine I just have some things on my mind that have been bugging me.

Ok well if you ever want to talk to me I'm always here because I love you even though I've only known you guys a short while I feel like I've known you a lifetime.

I know I feel the same way. We all love you to.

Thanks Cammy but smile I Love your smile you big goof ball

Haha ok babe

Turning off my phone I see the guys with my purse gong threw it.

"Hey guys what the fuck are you  doing. That's my stuff. " hayes pulls out a condom and my birth control pills. I don't think they know what's the are so I snatch them and my purse and put everything back in it. I'm not sexually active right now but you never know so I always stay on birth control and use protection. But don't think I'll be using it.

"Becks why do you have condoms?" I look over and see Cameron gawking at me.

"That's non if your business and as for you to don't talk to me. " I point atrye guys and they look sorry but I'm mad right now. The car stops and the driver shouts at us and I'm first to get out and storm away. I walk into the dude ranch doors and find a hall full if pictures. Its so cute in here.

"Can I help you honey? "Turning around I thought I was gonna die. Standing behind me was pure muscle on a 6"2 frame with a gorgeous face. His gave me the creeps though so I just started talking.

"Um my friends and I are on a scavanger hint thing I guess and I'm supposed to find the next clue and thank God they sent me here cause damn. " he throws his head back laughing and I basicly regret ever dating anyone that didn't look like him.

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