chapter 26

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Rebecca's POV

My ears are still ringing from my screams pulling me from my dreams. Sitting here in my bed I'm realizing that every ounce of feeling in my body has gone away leaving me numb.

It felt so real.

"Honey are you OK? I heard you screaming! Did you have a nightmare?" My mom stands in the door way of my room looking at me with sympathetic eyes. I just nod and sit back a little.

"Well I'm sorry but you should get up, you don't want to be late for your first day of school!" She smiles and leaves me to get ready. I just don't want to get up right now. But I have to, shaking off the dream I get up and do my hair and makeup and pick out an outfit.

Once I'm done with everything I look in the mirror and I'm satisfied with how I look. I'm wearing a pair of white skinny jeans with a daisy printed crop top and a pair of black VANS. I curled my hair into beach waves and put on concealer bluch mascara and eyeliner but I did a really good job on my eyelashes because they look fucking amazing. Grabbing my iPhone and purse I head to the door kissing my mom on the way out. I love my mom and I wish she was around more often.

I drive to school and look for Ocean and I spot her and her big ass butt. I love her and I've missed her so much. I honk at her and she looks up and squeals loudly making me laugh. She bounces up and down as I park and when I get out she runs and jumps into my arms and I hug her tightly because I don't want her to fall on the ground and get hit by a reckless teenage driver. I spin her around and we giggle like fucking idiots. Once we are done being stupid we laugh and take some pictures and I imediatley post the picture on Instagram and the caption is "@Snow.Love.7923 so happy to be back with my best friend been so long but we are back to fuck up the nation together!" Her phone dings notifying her of the picture and she laughs.

"Hell yeah we bout to fuck up the Nation! We are going to take it by storm!" I laugh and we high five but the bell rings telling us we have to head to class. I have Ocean in like almost every class which makes me happy but I already know I'm going to have so many detentions because of her dumbass.

Going to class sucked. In every single fucking class the teacher made me come up and introduce myself to all the snobby kids in the school. I don't not like them at all but I almost died in Chemistry because Ocean stuck her hand up and asked me a bunch of dumbass questions. I just stared at her the whole time she was saying stuff and when we got out of class she booked it to the next class because she knows im going too beat her ass. But her stupid ass just left me and I don't know where study hall is. Turning the corner I'm in such a hurry that I don't notice the tall brunette standing in front of me so I slam right into him making both of us fall.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry, I didn't see you there. " I'm so panicked right now, its my first day and I don't want to make anyone mad at me. But surprisingly the brunette stands up and smiles.

"Its OK, it was actually probably my fault. I'm always on the way! Hey are you the new girl? I'm in like four of your classes!"

"Oh yeah I am and I'm actually Kate for my next class but Ocean ditched me so now I need to find it sooo!" I laugh and try to hide my face.

"What's your next class maybe I can show you where it is?!"

"Oh that would be great. Um its study hall with Miss Franklin! " he smiles and I look at him and notice how fucking gorgeous his eyes are!

"Actually I can help you with that I'm in that class so I can definitely do that!" His eyes light up and I giggle! Oh my god did I just giggle?

"I'm Rebecca by the way! Just so you know!" I blush and stick my hand out. What the fuck am I doing?

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