Forty two

12 1 0

Waking up with a giant teenager sleeping on you is not pleasant. Nor does it smell good.

"Sammy get the fuck off me man, you smell like a pickle farted on a wet dog!" I groan and I hear a chuckle.

"What time is it?" I ask and he grumbles something about 11:30. I nod and get push Sammy a little so he's on his side and I curl up next to him and scratch my head.

"Ahhh that's so cute! " I hear Sammy mumble and laugh into his bare chest.

"Shut up I'm tired." He laughs and wraps his hands around my body and pulls me close ,I fall asleep fast and wake up an hour later.

"Sammy you smell even worst than before." I say and pull away from him and sit up rubbing my eyes and look over to the other bed. Kian is face down in a pillow with his butt in the air.

I get up and go to bathroom come back out and no one is in the room. I shrug grab a pair of spandex shorts and and a sports bra before grabbing my phone shoes and head phones. I rub out of the room and down the stairs to the work out room.

I put in my head phones and walk in trying to ignore the stupid meat head dumbasses who are in here. I go to the back and start stretching till I'm good and warmed up. I run on the treadmill for thirty minutes and start doing squats. By my third squat I look in the mirror and see eyes on me. I see someone I regconize and smile. Its Shawn. I wave at him and he blushes and start walking over.

"Hey Shawn whatcha doin?" I say and he starts doing squats with me.

"Working out just like you weirdo." I smile and he takes one of my earphones and listens to my music as we squat in sync. I start to giggle and he chuckles at me. I look in the mirror again and seriously four more guys are watching me squat.

"Shawn?" I whisper and look at him.

"Yes?" He looks at me and I whisper something to him. He chuckles and nods. After ten more squats we stop and stand up. He nods and I jump. He catches me holding me up by my legs. I smile and start doing sit ups. I pull myself up and he crashes our lips together and I could just fall off the face of the earth and live in space because that kiss was out of this world. (Yeah I know it was cheezy)

"Woah." He breathes and I giggle and do another sit up. I do a set of twenty and stop, that was about twenty of the best kisses I've ever had. Im all smiles as I get up and change my music. It turns to a Shawn song and I start laughing hecka hard.

"What's wrong with you?" Shawn asks and I put one of my headphones in his ear and he laughs.

He starts singing along and I'm mesmerized by his voice. I stare at him as he sings and he blushes. I smile and he looks at me with a small embarrassed smile.

"Your going to go so far Shawn. Your going to be so much bigger than all this Magcon and meet and greet stuff your gonna sell out arenas and do amazing things." I giggle and run a hand through my hair. He blushes and chuckles.

"Thanks I hope I will. " I smile and bend down to grab my phone I set down when we did our sit up kiss thing.

"This was fun , we should work out together more often." I say and im about to walk away when I crack a little. With a smile I turn around jump into his arms and smash my lips to his. I get the same amazing feeling I did earlier and now I know what I want..... Shawn.

Not Matt or Nash. Not Cameron, or anyone else. Just Shawn!

I pull away and smile.

"Would you like to go on a date with me tonight?" He smiles and asks. I nod and lean I'm again and kiss him. 

"Yes I would love to!" I smile and melt.

He's the one.

Two years later *in spongebob narrator voice*

"Shawn babe can you grab me that bottle please?" I ask my fiancé. Yup Shawn proposed to me last week and I'm still buzzing. Were currently living in Canada with our dog. Shawn's been on tour and he got time off this week so he came to say hi to both his babies me and our baby girl still in the oven.

We haven't decide what to name her but we will name her something cute and sweet, just like Shawn. I smile at the thought and kiss Shawn again when he smiles at me for no reason.

"Love you baby!" I say and he blushes. I love when he blushes. It's so innocent, even though he is not innocent in bed. How do you think I got pregnant? Lol I stare off into the gorgeous trees that line our house and thank god for what I have.

"Shawn baby? Will you do something for me?" I ask and he nods.

"Yeah anything." I smile and kiss him.
"Never change. Please and never leave me. I love you to much!" I say and he nods.

"Never" I giggle and kiss him again.

I finally got my perfect life.

Yeah I ended the book sorry guys hope you liked it though

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