chapter 13

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Hey guys I hope you liking my story so far keep reading OK! Tell me what you think if I get enough people I might introduce a new character based on a fan ! Who knows but I love you guys and keep reading , and you should also vote , because that would make me so happy!



Ocean Painter

Rebecca's (P.O.V)

I hung out with Matt at his house for a couple of hours until it was 5:15. I told Matt I was babysitting tonight and that I needed to go home and get my car! Matt's mom took me home because the doctor doesn't want Matt straining himself for awhile! Matt's mom and I chatted on the way to my house about a lot of different things! She talked a lot about a certain someone ,(Matt) when he was a child I laughed the entire time she was talking! She told me when he was young he used to run around in cowboy boots and yell .." Hey everybody I'm Jimmy Buffet!" I laughed so hard I was almost in tears!!

We got to my house and I got out and thanked Matt's mom! She smiled and said ,"anything for you sugar!" I smiled and thanked her again. I turned around and jumped into my four door Prius , and drove to Nash's house!

I jumped out of the car and ran up the steps to Nash's home and knocked on the door! It was not even twelve seconds after the door opened that I was shocked to see ten boys standing in front of me staring at me! They all had food in their mouths but, they were still the most attractive guys I've ever met!

I stepped back and looked at the address again , it was the right address ! I spoke up saying .." Is Nash here? I'm supposed to babysit for Skylynn! " Just then a little blonde haired girl came up , flying into my arms , hugging me with all her might!

I smiled at her and said..." You must be queen Skylynn , the beautiful ruler of this kingdom! I've heard so much about you! " she giggled at me and grabbed my hand! I looked up to see all the boys still staring at me! I looked at Skylynn and asked if I had something on my face. She laughed and said no! " Then why are they all staring at me?" I whispered in her ear!

Skylynn walked up to the group and yelled "Why are you being so stupid? Ain't you ever seen a pretty girl before?" Before she walked back to me she kicked the tallest one in the shin. To keep from laughing I bit my lip and turned my head!

Just then Nash walked in and ran up and hugged me , spinning me around in circles! " Nash , put me down you dork!!!" He laughed and put me down, smiling real big! He notice the boys all staring at us and introduced me as his bestfriend Rebecca. I smiled and waved! Skylynn walked up to me and smirked saying ..." Men am I right ?" I laughed and pinched her side and said.." You have no idea girl! Just wait til your my age , it gets worst!!" I giggled as Skylynn dragged me to her room!

For the next two hours Skylynn and I played dolls and I pushed her on the swing she had in her room! (I need one of these in my room!) We got hungry so we went downstairs and I asked her what she wanted to eat! She said she wanted hotdogs, but not just any hot dogs she wanted grilled hotdogs! I laughed and said OK !

Right now I'm so glad my dad taught me how to grill before he passed away! I went outside and turned on the grill! I went back inside and decided to ask the boys if the wanted hotdogs too!

"Hey do you guys want hotdogs?? Skylynn wanted grilled hotdogs so I'm making some!" They all yelled and whooped at me! I smiled and was glad they weren't just staring at me anymore!

I walked back in to find Skylynn doodling on a piece of paper! "What are you drawing Sky?" She looked up and said , "I'm drawing my family!" She stated. I walked over to see she had at least fourteen boy stick figures and two girl stick figures on one piece of paper and then on another she had six people on it. Two girls and four boys! They had names above them! On one it was ....
Mom, Dad , Nash , Hayes , Will , Me

The boy stick figures
Cam , Carter, Arron , Jack , Jack , Taylor , Matt , Brent , Sammy , Kian , JC , Sam , Connor , Ricky...

The girl stick figures....
Mahogany , Rebecca!

When I saw my name I was so happy, turned around to see her smiling up at me! I smiled and hugged her giving a kiss on the forehead!...."Hey we didn't get forehead kisses!! What's up with that?" ...I laughed and smiled smoothly adding ...." You didn't ask! " I winked at the boys standing in the kitchen and went back to cooking when I heard the tallest boys say, " There is something so sexy about a girl who knows her way around a kitchen!" I giggled and ignored them until I felt like their eyes were burning into the back of my head! I turned around and said ...." Really guys were back to the staring? I thought we got over this!" I laughed and they all slowly moved back to their spots in the living room.

Dinner was ready ten minutes later! I called the boys in and they ate every last bit if food I made. Even Skylynn ate a lot !! I laughed at her when she stood up and held put her arms for me to take her upstairs! I took her to the bathroom and gave her a bath. She didn't even seem tired even though it was ten o'clock pm! She said she wanted to watch a movie with the boys!

We walked down stairs and asked the boys if they wanted to watch a movie with us. They all shouted yes at the same time. Skylynn picked out the movie Frozen and sat curled up in my lap! Like ten minutes into the movie I could feel her getting tired, her breathing slowed and she was nodding off into my shoulder. I waited till she was fully asleep before I got up and took her upstairs. I tucked her in bed and walked back downstairs looking for my shoes! I went over to the boys and asked if they had seen my shoes! They all groaned when I asked and the all pleaded for me to stay the night.

I gave up trying to refuse them and went and curled up next to Hayes. He was the perfect height to snuggle with. So I changed positions to where we were cuddling I'm guessing he liked that because he pulled me close and before I knew it I was asleep in Hayes Grier's arms. Lol I never thought I would be able to say that!

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