chapter 3

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Rebecca's (P.O.V)

"He's such a bitch , I mean who say that to someone? What did I do to him " I yelled sitting on the end of my bed talking to Ocean on speaker phone ! She just kept telling me that its ok and I thought to myself ....

"No its not OK, what did I do to make him want to be rude to me? And why do I care so much?" I decided to stop thinking about and and go downstairs to talk to my mom! I told Ocean I'd talk to her later ! She chirped the words " OK babester!!" And we hung up!

*skip the talk with mom*( it was boring anyway)

I ate dinner by myself again because mom got called into work, she's a lawyer ,and she pretty good one ! Everyone wants her to be on there case!! And my dad died when I was really young! I don't really like to talk about it but , it was so long ago, I don't really remember him anyway!

I finished dinner washed my plate and went upstairs to start on my homework! ( they gave me homework on my first day what butholes! )

I'm pretty smart so I finished my homework in less than an hour! I usually get A's and B's but one semester I got a bunch of C's because I was stressed,my mom was gone for a whole 3 months and I had to pay bills and buy groceries , I mean she gave me the money to do all those things but it was still pretty stressful haha!

I decided to take a shower , so I jumped in the shower and washed my self ! I got out and put on some PJ's ! I blow dried my hair and put it in a pony tail! I jumped on my bed and grabbed my computer that was on the end of my dresser table next to my bed! I checked my Twitter first and added a few people that requested to follow me! I also got on Instagram and liked a few photos of friends back in Arizona!

I was pretty tired and I know my mom won't be here in the morning to wake me up for school! So I set my phone on the charger and put an alarm on it for 5:45 ! Why so early you ask ? I plan on curling my hair and I have thick hair! It takes forever to curl, plus I have to put on make up and pick an outfit and still make it to school on time! So 5:45 it is!!

*still Rebecca*


That the worst sound in the world to a teenager!! Its the sound that makes everything seem real and not fantasied !

I moved to the bathroom and plugged in my curling iron! I moved from there to the closet where I picked out a pair of white skinny jeans that hugged my hips so much it usually made every guy stare! I also picked out a flowy lace black crop top and paired it with really cute pair of black flowered sandals that connect around the ankle!

I walked back to the bathroom curled my hair put on my makeup and brushed my teeth! I looked in my full length mirror and was please with how hot I looked ! I grabbed my purse and phone walked downstairs , locked the house up and drove to school!

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