chapter 18

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(Nash's POV)

"Matt's such an idiot, I mean how could you cheat on a girl like Rebecca?" Camerons head shakes and I know he agrees with me. Rebecca is so sweet and gorgeous and funny.

"Yeah he really screwed up this time, did he even like her? Like why would he invite her here just to break her heart?" I can't talk about this anymore , I might just go beat his ass. At least she didn't leave, I thought she would have left by now. Wait where is she? As if on que Rebecca appears in the door way looking amazing as usual. She comes over and gives me a hug.

" Are you coming to Magcon today, please say you are! Your my new good luck charm" Becca laughs and hugs me again.

" I guess if Im that important, sure I'll come, just let me go get dressed, I will be back." and with that she's gone. Turning around I find Matt staring right at me. I didn't know he was even in the room.

" What?" I stare back until he looks away.

" Nothing man you can have the whore." Matt's words make me so angry.

" Don't call her that , she is not a whore. Your just an asshole." Matt scofts and walks away without another word.

" I just want to punch him on the face!" Cameron looks as if he agrees but doesn't want to get in the middle of the whole thing.

(Rebecca's POV)

"Nothing man you can have the whore!"Matt's voice traveled threw the door I was next to and tears brim my eyes and I mentally slap myself for even caring.

How dare he say things like that about me. I hear Nash defending me and I smile and wipe away the tears. I know these boys love me and I want them to know I love them to and that I'm not leaving because my cheating boyfriend made me feel bad. That's not the hard headed girl I am I'm going to make Matt hate himself for cheating on me with a skanky maid.

Going to Hayes room I grab an outfit and go to the bathroom. I change into dark wash skinny jeans a black tank top and pull on a black sweater. I curl my hair and do my makeup before I put on a burgundy infinite scarf. Nash texts a minute later.



Hey princess are you ready?

Yeah , I will be there in a minute

Ok I miss you already

I miss you to lol your adorable it kills me

I could say the same for you

Ok Nash stop flirting haha I will meet you in the lobby silly

Whhhaaaaattt?? Mee? A flirt? Never!!! :-)

Yeah ok grier. Deny it all you want lol

Whatever guuuuurrrrlllll your Cray Cray

Bye Nash haha

Nash is so dorky but I have to admit he makes me smile. Grabbing my black purse and and boots im ready to leave. As I sit down to put on my biots theres a knock on my door startling me.

"Who is it?" I hear a chuckle and know the boys are up to something. Going to the dresser I grab my half full glass of water and walk to the door carefull and repeat my question trying not to laugh. This time someone answers.

"Room service." Beforw they could anticipate my moves I open the door really fast and chuck my water into the nearest face splashing Arron making everyone laugh.

"Arron im sorry I thiugh y'all were going to prank me. Im sorry I messed up your gorgeous face!" I leaned up and kissed his cheek making him blush. Sammy laughed and snaked his arm around my waist.

"Wheres my kiss Becca? I was really looking forward to one." He laughs and I lean up and kiss his cheek to. I look back and see some jealous looks.

"Do you all want kisses to?" They all look up with smiles and nod making me laugh. I go threw and kiss them all except Matt who seems to be missing, but I don't care at all because he cheated on me and thats not cool haha.

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