chapter 23

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Still Rebecca's POV

"I've missed you so much Becker's!" I laugh at my nick name and hug him again.

"I've missed you to Sully! Oh My Gosh we need to go get "Now and Laters" and chew till we can't talk!" Luke laughs and takes my hand leading me out of the hotel and to the nearest covientent store to buy our candy.

We chat on the way there about his band mates and how touring is and I tell him about singing with Shawn and he congraduates me. I'm actually pretty proud about singing with Shawn I haven't been introduced as part of Magcon yet but I will. As I round the corner if the isle who do I see? Nash! Of coarse Nash would be here, but honestly I'm not mad I love Nash and he didn't know we were her get the first place.

"Hey Nash what's up babe?" He blushs when I say babe and its super cute.

" Um hey I was actually getting some candy for the guys and I plus some medicine for Cameron he's feeling sick. " I look at Nash and then hear Luke calling my name.

"Hey Luke  sorry to do this to you but I have to go, my friend sick and I want to go take care of him!" His smile faded and I feel really bad but Cameron comes first! He nods and we pay for our stuff I buy a couple of things for Cam like some Tylenol and I go next door and buy him some soup.

Luke says he's going to go to dinner with my dad and his dad and I apologize again for leaving him but I promise to text him.  With a hug and a swift nod he leave Nash and I to go back upstairs and to find Cameron.

When I get inside Cameron's room the first thing I do is turn on the shower with really hot water and close the door letting steam build. I grab Cameron who looks like he's going to die and drag him to the bathroom sitting him on the floor and handing him some pills to take.

"Hey why arent you with that Luke guy? You seemed excited to see him!" Cams voice is mucusey and thick , but shrug in an attempted answer.

"Well Nash said you were sick and your more important than him at the moment. " Cameron looks at me and smiles.

"Awwwww Beck's !" I giggle and move to the side and sit down next to him. The steam is making it really hot  and the door is closed so the a steam stays in. I just washed the makeup off my face because it was already smudging because of the steam. And when I turn around Cameron's shirt is coming off. Oh shit!

I'm trying really hard not to stare at Can but it's so hard he has the best abs I've ever seen. But he eats so much its not even funny. Like we will have lunch and then he will eat some if mine and then we will stop and get him cookies and he will eat the entire pack. And I can't even fathom where it goes!

"Can I help you? I mean the way your staring at me it's like you want something?" I blush and look away really quick. Oh damn it he noticed. Why can't I be smooth like other girls?

"Sorry Cam, its not everyday a girl sees Cameron Dallas with his shirt off!" I giggle and move to the door and start to open it so I can get away and not make a complete idiot out of myself. Before I can open the door Cam grabs the handle and shuts it pulls me around and kisses me. Shock has officially settled in. What the hell is going on? But oh god I like him so much. His lips are sweet and soft against mine and he slowly pulls my lips apart with his teeth giving himself access to my mouth. I give in and kiss back forcefully slipping an arm around his neck while my hands go to his hair pulling lightly. Wait Oh my god he's sick ,what the fuck??

I pull away and gasp , going to the sink I shoved my mouth under and filled it with mater then spit out about sixteen time while Cameron looked like he was going to laugh.

"What the fuck Cameron your sick , I'm going to kill you if I get sick as fuck. " this sends him over the edge and he starts laughing really hard. I frown and go to the door trying to open it but he blocks me giving me a cheeky smile.

*Cameron's POV*

I'm not actually sick but she thinks I am and I'm not going to tell her that , I'm just going to say it was a twenty four hour thing and that I feel better in the morning. She looks seriously pissed though, but god is she a good kisser or what? I mean the way she leaned into me and her hands running through my hair was everything I thought it would be. Except her pulling away because she thinks I'm sick.

" Cameron hello what the hell is wrong with you , I swear to god I will kill you if I get sick before the show tomorrow. " I laugh and kiss her really quick open the door and run, not bothering to see if she's chasing me because I hear a scream and cute little foot steps.

"Uggghhh Cameron you asshole, I swear I'm going to kill you!" I look back and see her running her curled hair faned out behind her , I'm so busy looking back I didn't notice Charlie the security guy standing right in front of me. I turned my head at the last second and slammed into Charlie with the force of a freight train. But Charlie didn't even move a fraction of an inch. I here Rebecca gasp and speed up until she reaches me gets on her knees and looks at me with concern. I can't hold it in, I burst out laughing harder than I've ever laughed before. Rebecca soon joins in and I swear she is laughing harder than me. Its probably because she saw me ramm into a 6"5 man and fall on my face. The thought makes me laugh and I hear Rebecca snort which makes us both laugh even harder until we can't breath.

We calm down after a couple minutes and I apologize to Charlie, we man hug and walk away. Becca a few feet but she comes up and jumps on my back and whispers in my ear.

"You aren't actually sick are you?" I shake my head and she giggles.

"Why did you lie Cammy? You could have just told me you were jealous of Luke and you wanted me all to yourself!" Her giggle is the cutest thing, wait jealous?

"Did you just call me jealous?" She laughs and kisses my cheek.

"Admit it can you were jealous over me going to see Luke and you didn't like that I was so excited soooo,you played sick sent out Nash to find me and tell me,hoping I would come to see you and you would sweep me off my feet! Am I right or am I right?" She giggles in my ear and I shiver. How the fuck did she know all of that?

I nod and she laughs.God I'm never living that one down am I?

Rebecca's POV

After our kiss and running around I make Cameron go back to his room and tell him I have to break up with Matt. Cameron and I discussed it and we want to date , but I have to break up with Matt first and I hate that I have to do that.  I don't want to break his heart but if he's been cheating on me then I wouldn't be breaking anything because he never loved me at all. But I need to get it over with. Walking to Matt's room I open the door without knocking and I'm so mad that I didn't knock brpecause what was going on was so much worst than I could have ever imagined.

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