chapter 9

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Rebecca's (P.O.V)

I woke up to....

"Matthew we're home ! Wow its clean in here!" I could hear his mom coming up the stair ! I panicked and pushed Matt who was cuddling me! His eyes flew open and he yelled falling off his bed! "What , what's wrong ?" He asked in a sexy morning voice " Your parents are home! What do I do?" He laughed and grabbed my hand pulling me towards the door ! I protested at first, then I let him pull me all the way downstairs!

He saw his mom and ran towards her yelling and hugging her saying " Your home !!!! What's for breakfast?" I laughed at the last part! She looked at me and I blushed! Matt walked towards me grabbed my hand and brought me over to meet his mom and dad! I introduced myself and gave them hugs , which I don't think they were expecting! (I'm a hugger!!) Matt laughed and hugged me kissing my cheek! I blushed at his affection!

I don't technicly know what Matt and I are are we friends ,are we more ? But my thoughts were interrupted by Mrs Espinosa asking me if I liked pancakes!

"Oooh yum, I love pancakes , would you like some help in the kitchen?" She nodded and I walked with her towards the kitchen where she asked me " Where you the one who cleaned the kitchen, because I know Matt can't clean this well? ". I laughed and nodded , ". I also cleaned his room!"

She gasped and laughed saying .... " How long have you been here ? Like three days , that must have taken forever!!"

I laughed and we started making pancakes! I like Matt's mom she nice , and funny! We called the boys over when the food was ready , and we all sat down and ate! I already felt like part of the family!

We were all eating at the table , when Matt says ," I threw a party!" His parents didn't even change there expressions , in fact his mom said ," Oh really ,was it fun?"

"Yeah it was awesome , Rebecca punched a guy in the face!" My eyes were probably the size of sausers! They all looked at me , I had food in my mouth so I swallowed and blushed looking down at the floor! "Why did you punch someone ?" Asked Matt's mom!

Before I could answer , Matt answered for me saying... "She punched him for me!" They still looked confused so Matt explained how the guy touched me and then dragged me into the living room! How he tried to get the guy to stop but the guy punched him instead! He told them how I knocked the guy out , and then how I helped him with his nose!

He also told them how I stayed up all night , cleaning because I didn't want him to get into trouble ! His parents looked at me and I blushed deeply, looking back down at the floor!

Then Matt's mom stood , walked over to me , told me to stand up (which I did) and then she hugged me! I was so surprised I let out a little muffled yelp! She stepped back and laughed! Then said " Thank you for loving my son, I mean no girl would stay up that late cleaning because she didn't want her friend to get in trouble , unless she loved him!"

I blushed so deep that I could have sworn that someone painted my face red! Then his dad came over and hugged me also , and told me to be good to his son! I smiled and hugged him back!

"Well that is enough hugging for one morning!" Was all Matt could say! He grabbed my hand and started to pull me toward the stairs , I quickly asked if his mom needed help with the dishes she smiled and shook her head no! I smiled and let Matt pull me up stairs!

Matt jumped on his bed and started busting up laughing! I couldn't help it either I started laughing to! I slowly stopped laughing and then laid down next to Matt ! He moved onto his side and looked at me! I smiled and looked at him turning my head so I could look at him better! I saw all his freckles , each one of them was cute in its own way!

Matt looked at me and smiled slightly saying ...."let's take you home!" My smile faded and I groaned and said...." Why my moms not even there , I'm going to be bored out of my kind!!!" I stuck out my bottom lip and pretended to pout! But I got up after Matt said we could go get ice cream before we went to my house! Its OK though because I need to take a shower!!! I probably stink!!

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