forty one

11 1 1


Guys this is out forty first chapter! Is that something to celebrate hah yaassss lol well to the story as usual.~ Ocean

"HEY JC COME DANCE!!" I yell over the pounding music in the nightclub. He nids and makes his way over to Mahogany and I.

We've been dancing for like forty minutes straight. JC gets to us and I giggle when he pretends to be drunk, I think he's pretending.

"Hey MO did you see that guy checking you out?" I ask and she shakes her head and looks around.

"No silly he is right over there, sitting in the corner being all weird and mysterious!" I giggle and point to him when he's not paying attention. She laughs and shakes her head.

"No way are you trying to have me murdered???" I nod and she squeals smacking my arm. We laugh and dance together. JC begins grinding on a Brazilian girl and I see Kian laughing with Connor about something and all the boys are dancing with girls except Nash who is currently shooting down shots.

"Hey I'll be back. " I tell Mahogany and she nods and continues dancing. I walk to the bar next to Nash and order two shots.

"So why you being so rude and stuff?" I ask as I shoot down my first shot. He shoots me a dirty look and continues to get drunk as fuck.

"Well you can either be an asshole to me forever or get over the fucking prank. It was forever ago and everyone else is over it!" Hr looks at me and I shrug while shooting another shot.

"I'm over that!" He states.

"Yeah well then why the fuck are you such a stuck up asshole towards me?" He laughs and it pissung me off further. Drinking probably wasn't the beat idea for me.

"I'm rude to you because your a bitch!" he says and I chuckle.

"Oh really I'm a bitch, what makes me a bitch?" I ask and he shrugs at me.

"Your just a bitch ok leave it alone." No

"No because you called me a bitch and I have been nothing bur kind to you! And if I made you think I was a bitch then I'm sorry!" I say and grab his hand

"Its fine I should go happy birthday gorgeous." He says and kisses my forhead walking away. I hope he stays nice this time. Twenty minutes later Kian comes up to me kinda drunk and slurring.

"Hey Becca can we leave? I don't feel good!" I giffle and nod.

"Yeah come on hot stuff!" I laugh and he holds onto my waist as we walk towards the doors. We catch a cab and.make to my room.

"Here I'm gonna change so stay here. I'll be out on a little!" He nods and looks at his phone laying down. I go to the bathroom and try to take off my dress but fail.

"Hey Kian will you halp me with this?" I walk out and see Sam drawling on Kians face.

"Sam don't do that!!" I laugh and he laughs.

"Will you help me please I can't get my zipper undone!" I pout and he smirks.

"Yeah I'll help you!" I nod and turn around pulling my hair away from the zipper. His fingers grab at the fabric and metal and pull. I hear the loud sound of my dress being undone and I can feel Sam's eyes travel down my body as it comes off. I let it fall and drop to the floor and I walk to the bathroom with just my bra and thong.

"Thanks Sam I owe you one!" I turn around and wink.

"How about now!" He shouts threw the door.

"Well then the doors open!" I giggle and hear him come closer to the door. I start washing my face and get all the makeup off before throwing my hair behind my back and slipping on real panties and spandex shorts and a shirt that I think might be Kians. The door cracks open and Sam peaks threw.

"Hey um I think I'm just gonna go to sleep but you know next time." He laughs and nods chewing on his lips ring as I bend down and pick up my clothes.

"Ok well I'm gonna go then. Ok happy birthday Becks." I smile and give him a hug before he walks out of the room. I grab a blanket and cover up Kian before he dies of hypothermia because its freezing in here.

Grabbing my laptop I climb into Sammys bed and watch a movie on netflixs till I fall asleep listening to Kians light snores.

Its been a good birthday!

Sorry for the short chapter will write more soon sorry guys.

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