chapter 6

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Rebecca (P.O.V)

When class ended Nash and I went our seperat way , but were still texting each other! Haha , I kind of have feeling for Nash but its hard to tell because I just met him today!! And I still want to try and get Matt to like me so its complicated!

I was so caught up in my own thoughts that I didn't notice Matt standing next to my car as I walked up! The sound of his voice made me jump causing my mind come back into reality,but not before my heart started to race like crazy!

He just stood there and smiled while I tried to chatch my breath. I looked over at him and smacked his chest playfully saying..

"Don't scare me like that meanie!! I scare easy!!" As soon as I said that I regretted it,because no doubt I'm gonna get scared a whole lot if we hang out!

He laughed at me and then asked .....

"So what are you doing tonight? If your not doing anything I want you to come to a party with me!" I looked at him slyly and answered ..

. "Parties aren't my thing!". He smiled at me and said...

Great ,I will pick you up at eight sharp and wear something tight!" At that last part I laughed and yelled at him as he walked away..

"You don't even know where I live!!" He just waved at me from behind his head and I heard him laugh!

*later that night*

After taking a shower , blow drying my hair and curling it I did my makeup! I normally don't wear a lot of makeup but today I put on an OK amount doing purple ,silver and black eye shadow, winged eyeliner big bold fand out eyelashes ,blush and a shimmery pink lip gloss!

I also put on my skin tight white Candie's dress that went about thigh high on me! I paired it with really cute black pumps ! Not that anyone cares but I put on my lucky thong, just because!

Ocean said she would meet me at the party earlier when I talked to her on the phone! I'm actually excited! Ocean was shocked when I told her I was going to the party, and even more shocked when she heard I was going with "bad boy Matt " that's what she and apperantly everyone else called him! I haven't heard the nickname before but maybe that because I've only been in school three days!

BEEP BEEP BEEP!!!! Matt's here haha!

My moms not home she's on another business trip and won't be back for another two weeks, so I locked up the house and walked out side! I walked to Matt's truck and saw him get out and come open the door for me! I thanked him with a smile and jumped in!

On the way to the party he asked me some questions to fill the time and I answered honestly tellong him that I was an only child, my favorite color is blue and I love animals and dirt bike riding!

It took like 45 minutes to get to the party but it was so worth it ! The house was like a mansion and inside was amazing ! I smiled as I walked inside and looked back at Matthew who was acting like the place was his! He walked up behind me and put his hands on my hips and asked if I liked his house! (OK that explains that!) I turned around and said...

"You know you didn't have to trick me into coming over to your house! You could have just asked!! I turned around and winked at him ! I pulled away from him and went to find the kitchen! I texted Ocean telling her I was here and to meet me in the kitchen! I jumped a little when a pair of hand landed on my eyes and someone said " Guess who!"

I knew it was Matthew so I didn't even have to guess! I grabbed the hands that were on my face and tilted my head up saying ... "Are you following me Matt?"

"Of coarse not , why would I do such a thing?" He screeched in my ear in a sarcastic tone! I turned around and smacked him pretending to hold my ear in agonizing pain. "Ouch you butthole ,that hurt!"

I was smiling at Matt who was giving me the puppy dog face, I couldn't resist it so I reached over and kissed him on the cheek saying in a baby voice.. "Its OK baby don't be sad!"

Matt looked up and smiled real big at that ! The girl next to me looked right at me smirked and said" Slutt!" I looked at her and said " aww your so sweet but you shouldn't talk about yourself that way!" Before she could respond I got up and walk away so I could get a beer!

When I came back to sit with Matt the girl was gone! Yaaas was all I could think to myself ,bitches be haten all the time! I am really good about making bitches shut the hell up !!!


Hey guys thank you for reading, my story I will be trying to post a lot during the week! I usually stay up till like 2am writing for you guys so be happy!! Lol but do you like it so far if you do add it to you library and comment below! I will update as much as possible!



Ocean Painter

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