chapter 15

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Matt's (P .O .V)

The front door was unlocked so I decided Rebecca wasn't gonna care if I just walked in.....

"Becca , I'm here!" I hear  her giggle and shout .... " How did you get in my house , you creeper!!!" .... "Your door was open weirdo, you should start locking it, I'm not sure im ok with someone to kill you!" I yelled as I walked upstairs to Becca's room!

"Awwwwe your so sweet, I'm so glad you care so much!" I chuckled at her sarcasm, and rolled my eyes flopping down on her bed and scrolled through twitter, accepting a few follow request! I looked up as Rebecca came in looking beautiful as usual. God , Matt what has happened to you! You used to just be able to get a girl and move on without a problem. I don't even know why I like her so much. Is it her eyes that sparkle even when she's not doing anything , or was it her smile that makes my day when I see it. I hate myself right now for loving her. Wait did I just think that?

I smiled to myself and heard Becca curl up next to me and grab my phone saying.... "You know you just made someone's day by following them back!" She giggled and tweeted to my followers saying this....

@ItsMattEspinosa: Hey guys I'm going to do a follow spree right now so tweet me sweet comments and I'll favorite or tweet you back!! Love you! #TweetMatt

Before she tweeted it for real I warned her that my phone was about blow up and she giggled saying ...." That's OK , I love your fans their so funny , plus I was one of your fans once, I know how excited there going to get!" I chuckled at her and said .. "OK "

She sent the tweet and immediately my phone lite up like a Christmas tree. I laughed at her face and tried to grab my phone from her and started to respond to my followers. I followed back a couple of people and responded to so many more fans. Rebecca was curled up beside me the whole time. I wrapped my hand around her with one arm and response to people on twitter with the other. We sat like that for awhile until I decided to end the tweet spree.

I looked over at Becca about to say something and saw that she was asleep, she was so cute sitting there curled up on my chest. I smiled and closed my eyes and fell asleep.

* three hours later*

Uhhhhhhg , what time is it. I looked at my phone and saw it was 5:23 PM. I smiled and rolled over and tapped Becca's shoulder and kissed her cheek until she woke up giggling like an idiot! She pushed me away and said she was tired.

"Its like 5:30 crazy , do you want to go get something to eat, maybe some pizza?" She smiled and jumped up yelling ......"FOOD" I laughed and jumped up with her. We raced each other downstairs and outside to my truck. Rebecca was still in my sweats , but I don't think she cared. We drove Marks pizza parlor and went and got a table! I pulled out Becca's chair and ran and sat in my seat , winking at her as I sat down chuckling when she blushed.

I love the way she blushes, its so cute it hurts! All I want is to kiss her and high her and be with her forever, but Magcon starts soon and I haven't told her yet, I kinda want to ask her to come with me! She could get to meet and know my friends. She already knows Nash but she could meet the rest of my idiotic best friends. I smiled at the thought of all the guys meeting her!

"What are smiling about Espinosa?" She laughed and snapped her fingers in front of my face, bringing me out of my thoughts!

I rolled my eyes at her and decided to just come out and ask her! " Hey I was wondering if you wanted to come to Magcon with me and my finer friends. I mean no pressure but I would love it if you came!" I blushed as I said the last part. I mentally slapped myself for blushing. " I mean you don't have to if you don't want to!"

She laughed and leaned over the table and kissed my cheek saying..." Just tell me when to pack! Oh let me text Nash and tell him the needs , he'll be so excited. " she laughed and texted Nash real fast. I tried not to be jealous , but it just started to boil up inside me like hot lava!

I guess she saw me make a face because she put her phone down and came and sat on my side of the booth, and kissed my cheek giggling her head off.  I laughed and looked at her. I love her giggle , I could listen to it all day , I love everything about Rebecca. I love her!

" Hey , Rebecca? " she looked up from the menu she was studying. I leaned in and moved her hair to the side whispering in her ear..." Will you be my girlfriend?" I listened to her breathing hitch, as she jumped up and screamed " OH MY GOD YES, YES,YES,YES!!!!" She giggled and hugged me, people in the restraunt were staring but she didn't care.

Smiling down at her, I grabbed her by her waist and smashed our lips together, it was pure magic. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up and I smiled pulling back and looking at my georgous girlfriend. I'm so happy she my girlfriend.

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