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Hey guys guess what! I'm writing another book so like go check it out! Like right now!

Its called *//HIM//* SOOOOO go read it. Well I only have a chapter up but it will be worth it.

*OK here's the new chapter!!*

The show ended faster than I thought it would and of coarse they called me on stage and sang to me which of coarse I cried for. I've been sipping my coffee when Kaylin decides to come up and bring up me liking Matt.

"I told you I don't like him!!!" I blush and oh great here comes Matt! Awesome.

"Who don't you like. I'll beat them up if you want me to!" I laugh and he takes my coffee and drinks some.

"Oh nothing Kaylin was mistaken so that's all there is to that story! Hey what time do you think we should go to dinner with everyone!" Matt pouts and looks at me.

"With everyone. I thought it was just gonna be us!" Why would he think that.

"No I thought that's what we were gonna do go out with everyone and then go to a club bubba!" I give him a cute smile.

"If you want just the both of us can go to dinner tomorrow night!" Awwee he's blushing.

"Like a date?" I click my head and smile.

"I mean only if you want to. We don't have to call it that!" He scratches his neck and blushes deeper.

"Then its a date Matty." I giggle and Cali jumps on his lap licking his face.

"She's getting so big , mammas little fatty." I coo at Cali and Matt laughs at me.

We all leave after awhile and head to the hotel where I take a nap for an hour put I'm woken up by Taylor again.

"Taylor if you don't stop waking me up from good sleep I'm gonna have to hurt you!" I say serious while he laughs.

"Well I guess you don't want dinner then!" The mention of food makes me happy.

"OK fine I'm getting up!" I giggle when Cali barks at Cameron when he walks in.

"Hey Mahogany is here!" Mo walks in and jumps on me.

"Mo I missed you, oh my gosh are you coming tonight I need my momo to dance with me tonight!" I yell and hug her tight.

"Yes of coarse I'm coming silly everyone is." I squeal and Kaylin walks on and jumps on us.

"Mahogany baby where have you been." We all laugh and talk about what we are gonna wear.

We get up and go to the bathroom and walk around in our undies because we can and non of the boys are in here.

We pick out outfits and throw around shoes until we find what we want to wear. Mohagany picks a longish black lace skirt with a burgandy crop tank top with her famous cat ears and high black heels. Kaylin picks kaylin_loves_Hayes  out a cute pastel pink dress with tall brown heels that go to her knees and a cute green bow in her bretty brown hair.

And I pull out a short black dress with a pair of big black heels that I will regret wearing. I put on a pretty pink necklace and curl my hair again since it went flat. We do our makeup to one of Mahogany's awesome playlists and scream the lyrics to every song. We finish and grab our purses and phone. We even switched our phone cases mine says "Trust Me you Can Dance - Vodka" Mo's is red and righnstoned and Kaylins is tropical and it says "Take Me To Paradise"  they were so cheap to like it was a steal. We walk to the boys room and knock. JC answers and stares at us!

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