chapter 27

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I'm going crazy!

Do you ever get the feeling you've done something before but you don't remember doing it? I mean I just have this feeling and it won't go away.

Whatever I'm might just be bored, I mean I am at school so it might be the boredom going to my head. Nash and I have not texted either since my first day at school , and I started on a Tuesday and today's Friday soooo I don't know. I thought he liked me but I guess not, whatever its not like we know either that well.

Anyways, I've been looking for a job lately because I really need to get out of the house more. I honestly don't need a job , my mom's job pays will but I'm literally going sit crazy in that big house all by myself. I want to throw a party soon to like maybe tonight! That sounds fun, yeah I'm going to text Ocean right now about it.

Ocean.      Me

Hey let's throw a party tonight at my house

Um Yassss I'm so down!

Ok meet me at my car after school but spread the word like now text everyone

OK but what about booze?

Don't worry I have it covered.

OK are we going to Costco???

Yaaaasss of coarse guurrlll

Yassss cool I'm soo I excited

Me to ttyl8r

Kk bye babe

Ocean is literally the best partner in crime, she's my ride or die!

*Study hall*

"Hey your throwing a party tonight?" I turn around to see Nash standing next to me. Class just ended and I'm gathering my stuff.

"Um yeah are you coming?" I smile and try not to blush. God what's wrong with me?

"Um yeah can I bring some friends? They just got in town this mornin!"

"Yeah of coarse they can come you don't need to bring anything I've got everything covered, thank God for Costco right?" I laugh and turn around to walk away but drop my pencil I bend down and grab it and walk away.

+Five hours till party+

We have already set up everything for the party, we bought a whole lot of chips and sodas and lots of red cups. I don't bother cleaning anything cause its all going to get dirty again anyways. And I have the beer covered, Oceans brother is going to sign for it then bring it over to us. I'm going to pay him back for it and I'm so glad he has had a crush on me forever or he wouldn't have done it.

Before I go to take a shower I put ALL the valuables away and lock them in my mom's bathroom under the cabinet , plus I zip tie it shut so if someone makes it this far, their drunk ass won't be able to open it. I also put away any breakable stuff in the garage, and lock the garage door. I'm so not trying to hacer to clean up glass and shit tomorrow.

When I'm done with everything I have about two hours till the party. I go to the bathroom and take a nice long shower and I blow dry my hair and body, and girls don't act like you don't do the same thing because it feels so good and warm.

Once I'm done I look at the time and see that I only have an hour and a half. I go to my bathroom and start curling my hair to perfection. It looks awesome so I start on my make up making sure I do a good job. By the time I'm done I have thirty minutes till I'm doused to have guests but they won't be here for another hour probably. The front door opens and I yell down telling Ocean come up to my room. I hear high heels and  laugh. Ocean is obsessed with heels and so am I so I'm sure she brought me a pair to put on for the night. She comes in holding the cutest black heels I've ever seen. I say we l and grab them holding them like a new born child.

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