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*draco's p.o.v.*

    On my way up to the common room from the boy's bathroom, I saw Ivy sitting on one of the couches reading a book. Her sleek black hair fell in front of her face, making her tuck it behind her ears. I love it when she would tuck her hair behind her ears whenever she's invested in a book she's reading. She sat on one of her legs with other one dangling off the couch. Ivy was never the one to sit like a proper lady.

    I walked over to her and right as I was about to sit down next to her, Theo was faster and sat down next to her instead. He threw his arm around her shoulder and was sitting a little too close to Ivy for my comfort. I walked over to the two them and pushed Theo over so I can sit in between them, keeping Theo from making moves on Ivy.

    "Good morning", I said to Ivy.

    "Morning, Malfoy. Do you mind getting up? Theo and I were talking"

    "You two can talk over breakfast. Come on", I said grabbing her hand and getting up from the couch.

    "I'm not hungry yet"

    "It's almost seven-thirty. You won't have time to eat before class"

    "Then I will wait to eat at lunch"

    "Nope, you need to have breakfast", I said pulling Ivy from the couch.

    "I have to finish my chapter. I'm only four pages away"

    "How are you reading if you were talking to Nott?"

    "Ugh, fine", she groaned, rolling her eyes at me.

    Ivy and Theo got up from the couch and started to walk to the door of the common room that lead directly up to the Great Hall. When we got to the Great Hall, I sat down next to Ivy who was sitting between Theo and I.

    "Don't ever roll your eyes at me again", I whispered in Ivy's ear.

    "You don't get to tell me what to do, Draco", she said staring into my eyes before turning around to talk to Theo.

    Fuck, why can't Ivy just listen and stop being so stubborn. Pansy at least listens to everything I say and does everything I tell her to do. Ivy on the other hand, she's persistent on doing things her own way, it gets exhausting. Theo isn't good enough for her. He forgot about her all summer and didn't even send her an owl once, I would never do that to Ivy.

    I spent the summer answering Pansy's suffocating owls about how she thinks that we should try going out again. The last time I felt anything for Pansy was during third year and it was only because she would give me attention when that bloody Hippogriff attacked me during Care of Magical Creatures. All Ivy did was give me a whole lecture on how I deserved to be attacked since I "disrespected" the creature, whatever the fuck that means.

    After breakfast, I walked to Potions with Professor Slughorn with Ivy, Theo, Pansy, and Blaise since they were in that class with me. Ivy and Theo sat next to each other and talked while Slughorn explained our lesson plan for today. It's so annoying watching her just swoon and bat her eyelashes at a guy like Theodore Nott. If she knows what good for her, she would stay away from him.

    "Draco, do you want to head out to Hogsmeade with me this weekend?", Pansy asked, clinging to my arm.

    "Uh...", I looked over at Ivy and saw that she listening in on us. "Sure, why not?"

    "Perfect", Pansy giggled. "We could go to Madam Puddifoot's"

    "Sure, sounds great, Pansy", I said with a fake smile.

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