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*ivy's p.o.v.*

"Where did you go last night? You disappeared", Pansy asked, sitting on the edge of my bed.

I was busy fucking Draco Malfoy in our downstairs bathroom.

"I uh... I got too drunk so I went to bed", I said avoiding my sister's eyes.

"You missed your New Year's kiss. Theo was looking for you. Honestly Ives, you need to get your men in check because I saw you and Theo during the party. I thought you were over him"

"I am, we were just in the moment. It was nothing"

"I could've sworn I saw you go to the bathroom with someone", she said raising her brow. "Ivy Genevieve Parkinson, did you have a random hook up in the bathroom?"


"Ah", she squealed. "I fucking knew it! Who was it? I didn't get to see the guy. I was also drunk so it's not like I could see clearly"

"Oh... It was just some random guy. I don't know him"

"Is he in our class or house?"

"No idea"

"Wow, a random hook up with a guy you don't know, it's so not like you... I love it. How was it? Was he good? Was it big?"

"P, I don't want to talk about dick size with you"

"Oh come on, sis. You have to tell me, I'm your sister. Blaise and I couldn't sneak away last night. I'm practically living through you"

"Fine", I groaned. "It was good and yes it was big", I said rolling my eyes. I can't believe I'm talking to Pansy about fucking her ex boyfriend. "That's all I'm telling you"

"Don't be such a prude", she groaned. "How's Blaise in bed? I need to know if he's defective before I shag him"

"Ew, P", I said throwing my pillow at her face. "I don't feel comfortable talking about that with you"

"You're not mad are you? I mean... he was your first"

"No, I'm not mad. You can have Blaise. I just don't feel comfortable knowing that you're shagging someone I've been with"

"If the roles were reversed, I'd tell you. That's what sisters are for. If you were to fuck Draco, I'd tell you if it was worth it or not"

Little do you fucking know.

"Trust me, I don't think it's normal for sisters to be shagging the same guys and why would you think I'd be fucking Draco?"

"Ives, you've had a crush on hims since first year. I just thought that after I was done with him, you were going to make some moves"

"Thanks for thinking I'd want your sloppy seconds", I said sarcastically.

"You know what I mean. After you kissed Draco during spin the bottle third year, I made you swear to stay away from him for me. I'm just not sure if you still like him"

"I got over my stupid crush year four. Draco is revolting to me. I'll never be with him, ever"

"Well, he's a shit boyfriend anyways and he's into that dom sub shit. The whole choking thing is not my vibe. Once I got in a relationship with him, I realized that he is not husband material"


"Anyways, I have to go work on my cotillion introduction and come up with ideas for my dress. See ya", she said getting up from my bed and leaving my room.

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