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*draco's p.o.v.*

My mother has been running around all morning getting the Manor prepared for the White Party. She's been preparing for the party all week and made me clean out her ENTIRE greenhouse for the lunch. I just don't get why my parents couldn't have gotten a new house elf after Dobby. Yeah, I miss him and Dobby is "irreplaceable" or whatever, but I'm not down for doing servant work when someone else can do it.

Since the party is starting in an hour, I decided to get ready for it. My mother insists that everyone show up to the White Party in all white but I don't like wearing white on white. With my already pale skin and platinum blonde hair, I'm going to look like a big ass marshmallow or a fucking snowman. I'm just going to wear a white shirt just to make my mother happy because I refuse to wear white trousers and white shoes.

I changed out of my sweats and into a white button up shirt and black trousers with a pair of black shoes. I pinned my small silver Malfoy Family Crest pin on the collar of my shirt and wore my silver rings with my silver wrist watch with a black band.

"Yo, Malfoy", Blaise said apparating into my room and making me jump.

"Blimey, Zabini! You scared the shit out of me"

"Sorry, mate", he laughed. "I just didn't want to go with my parents. Nott, Crabbe, and Goyle should be coming in a few minutes". A few seconds later, the boys apparated in my bedroom.

"Fucking shit, Crabbe!", Theo exclaimed. "Your fat ass almost landed on top of me", he said fixing his shirt.

"Well, I didn't do it on purpose. You know I barely passed my apparation test last year", said Crabbe.

"It's a miracle you even got your apparation license"

"Let's go downstairs. The girls should be here", Goyle said opening the door to my bedroom.

Blaise, Theo, Crabbe, and I followed Goyle out of my bedroom and down the stairs. As I descended the staircase, a girl caught my eye. She has black hair, glowy olive skin, and is wearing a white lace dress with tall white heels. The girl is Ivy Parkinson. Fuck. She looks so fucking beautiful. Ivy's face lit up and smiled as Theo walked over and hugged her.

	"Hey, Draco

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"Hey, Draco. You clean up nice", Ivy said hugging me. I caught a whiff of her sweet perfume and instantly thought of my mother's garden.

"Thank you. You don't look bad yourself", I said scratching my head.

"Are you sure? I feel like this dress is too much but it's the only white dress I have"

"No, I think it looks great"

"Good. I don't know why I just asked you for fashion advice", she chuckled.

"Trust me, my mother has been forcing me to help her out with her outfits since I knew how to speak"

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