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*ivy's p.o.v.*

We are throwing another house party tonight before the school year is over and I'm glad because I need to get Draco off of my mind. After the way he treated me the other day, I haven't spoken to him. I feel bad because what if he needs me but I can't spend my time with someone who is toxic. I still can't shake off the feeling of fear when he grabbed me like that. The way he looked into my eyes with pure anger. Whatever, I can't think about that, I have a party to throw.

"Okay, so Blaise got us our 'party favors' and Pansy is out getting the drinks. Do we need anything else?", asked Daphne.

"No, I don't think so", I answered while finishing my makeup.

"Did you change the password to the common room?"

"Yup, I did it an hour ago"

"Perfect, the boys are shuffling the underclassmen out of the house right now"

"Does this dress make my boobs look big?", Tracey asked turning towards Daphne and I. She had on a wine red mini dress with a low cut.

"Yes", Daphne and I said in unison, nodding our heads.

"Perfect", smiled Tracey. "You haven't gotten dressed yet, Ives. What are you wearing?", she asked me.

"Everyone is coming in whore dresses so you better come in one too", said Daphne. "Wear that navy blue mini"

"Yes, I've been waiting for you wear that one", Tracey said pulling the dress out from my wardrobe.

"I can't wear that. Theo will kill me if I go out in it", I said grabbing the dress from her hands.

"No, he won't. He'll just see how hot you are"

"Fine", I groaned. "I'll wear it"

"We're such bad influences on you", Daphne chuckled.

I changed out of my oversized t-shirt and into the metallic navy blue mini dress and paired it with sheer black tights and thigh high black platform boots. I pinned one side of my hair back with a silver hair clip and a silver necklace to match the detailing on the dress. By the time I finished getting ready, Daphne and Tracey dragged me out of the room and into the common room where the party had already started.

	The common room was blaring with music and the lights were out, with only the bright party light illuminating the room

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The common room was blaring with music and the lights were out, with only the bright party light illuminating the room. I walked straight to the round table where all the guys smoked their blunts and did their lines. Theo was sitting in a chair smoking and practically choked when he saw me. I walked over to him and sat down on his lap.

"Damn, baby!", Theo exclaimed, wrapping his arms around my torso. "You look so beautiful", he said kissing my neck.

"All yours, babe", I said kissing his lips.

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