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*draco's p.o.v.*

Today we have the big Slytherin vs. Gryffindor quidditch match. Gryffindor has been beating us for the past six years and we better come out on top this year. With fucking Weasley as keeper, Slytherin has a good chance. They only problem is Potter catches the snitch faster than me but I've been training with the team nonstop. There's no way in hell I'm going to let Potter catch that fucking snitch.

The boys and I wore our green and silver team jumpers and black quidditch uniform trousers. Blaise, Theo, Crabbe, Goyle, and I walked to breakfast together. Sitting in the Great Hall at our table was Ivy, Pansy, Tracey, and Daphne. They all were wearing our house colors, green and silver. Ivy was wearing a short black skirt, black fishnet tights, a green sweatshirt with the Slytherin house crest on it, and white collard shirt underneath. Her shiny black hair was moved to the side, exposing the nape of her neck while she ate her breakfast.

I walked over the table and before I could sit down next to Ivy, Theo and Blaise sat on both sides of her, leaving the only spot for me to sit was next to Pansy. When I sat down next to Pansy, she immediately started to pour me some orange juice into my goblet and had a plate of breakfast made for me.

"Big game today, huh?", Ivy said before taking a bite of her toast. "How do you feel now that you're captain, Draco?"

"Pretty good. We've been training almost everyday and doing extra workouts on the weekends", I answered.

"And baby, you look so hot", Pansy said looking at me with heart eyes.

"Thanks, babe", I said giving her a kiss. "We're going to burry Gryffindor. Potter's going to wish he was laying dead next to his parents"

"A bit harsh, don't you think?", Ivy asked.

"Are you showing sympathy for Potter, Ivy?"

"No", she said crossing her arms. "I think you're being mean for bringing up his parents"

"I forgot how soft you can be"

"And I forgot that you're a dick incapable of remorse"

"You shouldn't be speaking to me like that. Your sister would never"

"Well, I'm not Pansy now am I?"

"Hey, leave me out of this. I don't want to have to choose sides", Pansy said holding my hand on top of the table.

"Boys, we have to get down to the pitch", I said letting go of Pansy's hand and getting up from the table. "We gotta go over strategies and warm up"

"See you after the match", Pansy said giving me a kiss on the cheek.

Theo, Blaise, Crabbe, Goyle, and I walked out of the Great Hall all the way down to the Quidditch Pitch and to the Slytherin changing room. The rest of the team was already in the changing room getting into their uniforms. I walked over to my locker and changed into my robes and put on my gloves and knee pads. I grabbed my Nimubus 2001 from my locker and walked over to the benches where the whole team sat, waiting for my pep talk before the big match. This is my first year as captain and our pep talks by the previous captains were ass, so I have no idea what to say to the team.

"Well boys, today is the big day. We let Gryffindor out of our grasp every single fucking year, but not for long", I said to the team.

"With Weasley out by the rings, it should be easy", Goyle laughed.

"Yeah, but that doesn't mean we have to play any less. Crabbe and Goyle, your fatasses better keep those bludgers the fuck away from me and make sure you hit Potter. Blaise, you got a good arm so make sure you're scoring as much as possible. Theo, make sure Gryffindor doesn't score a single point. We got a powerhouse team this year and I think we can finally beat Gryffindor"

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