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*ivy's p.o.v.*

Today is the first day of cotillion preparation. All the seventh year girls have to meet Professor McGonagall in the Great Hall for dance practice. At this point, everyone has their escorts. Pansy has Blaise, Tracey is going with Crabbe, and Daphne is going with Goyle, which leaves me escort-less. I would've asked Theo but I'm too scared that he would say "no" because of the way he reacted when I somewhat ended things with him. New Year's Eve just feels like one of those drunken moments that we're supposed to forget about.

I felt embarrassed walking into the Great Hall without an escort because all the debutantes were paired up. Everyone was standing in their little cliques talking amongst themselves with Professor McGonagall standing in the center of the room with her record player and Harry Potter.

"Miss Parkinson, where is your escort?", Professor McGonagall asked.

"Um... I don't have one", I said looking down at my loafers.

"No problem. Mr. Potter here can be your dance partner for today"

"Oh, it's fine, Professor. I'm perfectly fine with sitting out today's rehearsal"

"Nonsense", she said shoving Harry towards me. "Mr. Potter was only here to play the music and if you don't participate in today's rehearsal, you're going to fall behind"

"Okay", I said letting out a deep sigh. "Thanks for helping me out today", I said to Harry.

"Don't mention it"

"Alright, ladies and gentlemen", McGonagall said clapping her hands to get everyone's attention. "Welcome to the first of many rehearsals for the Hogwarts Cotillion. Today, we will be learning the waltz which will be performed at the ball. It's going to be similar to the one you learned for the Yule Ball so hopefully you remember"

"I'm terrible at dancing. I'm sorry you're stuck with me", Harry whispered to me.

"You'll be great. You pranced like a gazelle at the Yule Ball", I teased.

"Okay everyone. Ladies line up on the left and gentle men on the right", said McGonagall.

I walked over to the left side of the room and lined up next to my sister and Hermione Granger with Harry standing directly across from me. McGonagall started to play some classical music for us to dance to and stood in the middle of the two rows.

"When the music starts, debutantes will curtsy and escorts will bow. You will then meet your partner in the middle with your right hand up at a ninety degree angle and your left hand behind your back", McGonagall said demonstrating the motion. "Once you meet in the middle, your hand should be about an three centimeters apart. It should look like your touching. Okay, now let me see you all do it"

McGonagall then restarted the music and we all bowed and curtsied off count. I slowly walked to the middle to meet Harry, following the tempo of the music. Our hands almost touched, just like how Professor McGonagall wants. Harry and I looked at each other, trying not to crack a smile at how ridiculous this is.

"We need to work on your timing but it was not bad. Now that you've met your partner in the middle, you will slowly turn over your right shoulder with your hand still up", McGonagall instructed and we all followed. "Great, now switch to your left hands and do the same thing"

Harry and I tried so hard not to laugh but it was impossible because every time I look at him, I just want to laugh. I had to bite down on my bottom lip to keep myself from disrupting Professor McGonagall.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

After dance rehearsal, the girls and I walked downstairs to the Slytherin common room where we met with Draco and Theo. The two of them were sitting on the couched in lounge across from each other. I sat down on the couch next to Theo with Daphne and Pansy sat on Blaise's lap in one of the chairs.

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