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*ivy's p.o.v.*

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven. Seven N.E.W.T.s I had to sit through. It was torturous, makes complete sense why their called Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Tests. I have no idea how I was able to pull off seven N.E.W.T. subjects. It's honestly a miracle I was able to sit in after the week I've had.

    Theo has been avoiding me every chance he gets. I don't even know if we're still dating because he has spoken to me. He didn't even deny dating me for physical reasons and not emotional. I thought that the only reason Draco told me at the party that I'm just a "piece of hot ass" to Theo because he was jealous or just being a little dick but, maybe he was right, Theo is only dating me because I am no more than just some witch who can keep his dick wet. Hogwarts is coming to an end, at this point, I don't even care anymore. The only thing that's worrying me is that I have to attend cotillion and the cotillion dinner with Theo.

    "Come on, sissy", Pansy said shaking my body. "Get out of bed. We're going home today"

    "Let me sulk", I said pulling my duvet over my head.

    "You can sulk on the train ride home after graduation", she said ripping the duvet off of me. "You've been hiding away since the party. I know you're going through it with Theo but don't let his dumbass affect the rest of our year"

    "No", I pouted.

    "Ivy Genevieve Parkinson, get your ass out of bed. We have a graduation to get ready for"

    "Don't let Theodore Nott ruin this day for you", Daphne said jumping onto my bed. "We are finally leaving today"

    "Seriously, Ives. A boy is not worth staying in bed all day and missing our graduation for", Tracey added. She grabbed both of my hands and pulled me out of bed. I tried to lay back down in my pillow but Daphne and Pansy jumped in to get me dressed. "Ivy I swear on Merlin himself, I will kick your ass if you make us late"

    "I don't want to graduate anymore", I groaned. "I will repeat a year, I don't care"

    "Ivy, you worked too damn hard to just repeat a year", Pansy said standing with her hands on her hips. "Plus, you're still technically graduating because you took your N.E.W.T.s"

    I groaned and tried to hold myself up. I looked at myself in the mirror and saw my hair disheveled, dried drool all over my face, food stains on my t-shirt. Shit, I'm a fucking mess. I look disgusting. It's embarrassing that anyone has seen me like this. Pansy took my hairbrush off of my dresser and started to brush out my black hair while I casted a charm that brushed my teeth and washed my face. Daphne went into my empty wardrobe where only my dress and graduation robe hang and pulled them out. Tracey casted a charm that ironed my robe out while I started on my makeup.

    Just one last hour with everyone, one last hour. After graduation, everything is finished and I will no longer be around my classmates, my Slytherin family every again. In three years, will I still be getting ready to go out with Daphne and Tracey? Will I be partying with Blaise or helping Crabbe and Goyle out with anything that requires brainpower? Where will I be in one year? Fuck, where will I be in two months? Even after taking my N.E.W.T.s, I still don't know what I'm doing with my life. Before everything that happened, I was supposed to go to Italy with Theo and Draco encouraged me to continue with my art. I wish I can talk to Draco. I liked talking to him, he makes me feel safe and doesn't invalidate my feelings... he didn't.

    "There", Pansy said zipping up my dress. "Gorgeous, like always. Love you, Ives", she said kissing my cheek.

    "Love you too, P", I said hugging her.

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