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*draco's p.o.v.*

Since Nott and Ivy officially got together, it's been impossible for me to escape their nauseating "love fest". I have never seen or heard Ivy giggle so much in my seven years of knowing her. Not only do I have to sit through three of my classes with them but I have to deal with them during our meals, in our common room, AND in my dorm room. It feels like the two of them have been throwing themselves at each other in front of my face just to rub it in. The fact that they fucked under the covers with the group in the same room, right next to me, feels like it was done on purpose. Although, Ivy was on molly and the last time she took molly, she was on top of a table stripping, but still, it's no excuse.

With graduation, our N.E.W.T.s, and cotillion approaching, the chances of Ivy and I every being together is slipping. I should've told Nott that I wasn't okay with him asking her out but then that requires me to talk about my feelings with him. The only person I've talked about Ivy to is my mother and she told me to just pluck up the courage to ask her out. Easy for her to say, she and my father dated during their time at Hogwarts and then got married after four years together. My mother is a lot better at showing emotions than I am and my father has always told me that having my "heart on my sleeves" is for the weak. Even if I did confess my feelings to Ivy, she would probably reject me because she was the one who told me that we have to remain friends.

"Hey", Ivy said pulling out chair next to me at the round study tables in the common room. "Charms homework?"

"Yeah", I sighed.

"Is everything okay? You keep on avoiding me"

"I'm fine", I said continuing to write down the answers to my Charms homework.

"Do you mind if I sit here and work with you? The library's full and-"

"You hate being in the library when there's more than thirty people", I said cutting her off. Bet Nott doesn't know that about Ivy.

"Precisely", she said under her breath.

Ivy pulled out her Charms textbook, her quill, and a piece of parchment. I watched as she pulled her hair over to one side, exposing the nape of her neck. All I can think about is how I could smell her sweet perfume as I kiss her neck. How I can just wrap my hand around her neck and leave love bites, making my territory and letting all these pathetic blokes at Hogwarts know that she's mine. Her soft black hair tangled up in my hand and soft plump lips wrapped around my-

"Is there something in my hair?", Ivy asked, interrupting my thoughts.


"You're staring at me. Is there something in my hair?"

"Uh...". I looked around to find an excuse and then found an eyelash on her cheek. "I just found and eyelash on your cheek"

"Oh, really? Where? You're supposed to wish on them for good luck"

"That sounds like bullshit", I scoffed.

"It does not. You have to make a wish and then blow it away"

"Like birthday candles?"

"Yeah, pretty much", she chuckled.

I reached over to her cheek and picked the eyelash up with the tip of my finger. Our eyes locked and I stared into her deep brown eyes, butterflies filling my stomach. "Make a wish", I said holding the eyelash up to her lips. Her eyes were locked on mine as she lightly blew the eyelash away. "What'd you wish for?"

"If I tell you, it won't come true", she said cracking a smile.

"You're such a kid", I teased.

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