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play Do I Wanna Know by Arctic Monkeys on repeat during this chapter because I imagine this song playing while Draco and Ivy are in the bathroom. kay. bye. enjoy.

*ivy's p.o.v.*

"Just fuck me already", I cooed. Draco smirked and placed his lips on mine. I ran my fingers through his soft blonde hair as we kissed passionately. He slipped his tongue in my mouth and we fought for dominance.

"Jump", Draco whispered in my ear, grabbing my ass.

I jumped in his arms, continuing to kiss him as he walked over to the bathroom counter. He set me on the counter and slipped the straps of my dress off my shoulder, exposing my bare chest. He cupped my breasts in his hands and started to suck on my nipple, drawing circles with his tongues. I wrapped my legs around his waist and let out a soft moan as he continued to suck on me.

Draco reached down to my tights, ripping them open and pulling on the waistband of my panties, slipping them off my legs. "I'll buy you a hundred more pairs", he whispered in my ears before dropping down to the ground on his knees.

I could feel Draco's soft tongue graze against my inner thighs, making its way closer to my heat. As his kisses got closer, I can feel my pussy getting wetter, wanting him inside of me. His tongue gently flicked my clit, sending my body into orbit. My breathing got heavier while he ate me out. My legs started to shake as I reach my climax, cumming in Draco's mouth. He came up from the ground and kissed my lips, spitting my cum back in my mouth.

"Swallow", he demanded. I swallowed his spit and he said, "Good girl"

Draco slipped his fingers in my mouth and pulled them out, circling my clit before slipping them into me. I moaned in his mouth as we made out and he pumped his hand even faster. I could feel his fingers curl inside of me, making my legs shake again.

"Fuck, Draco", I moaned, trying to keep myself from screaming his name.

"Do you want me to fuck you, Ivy?", Draco asked and I nodded. "I want to hear you say it"

"I want you to fuck me, Draco Malfoy"

Draco smirked and unzipped his trousers, pulling out his cock. Pansy was not fucking lying about the size. He started to tease my clit with the tip before penetrating my walls. He slowly slid himself in, before thrusting his hips. I let out a moan and gripped the edge of the counter while he hit every spot.

"Fuck, you're pussy is so tight", Draco moaned in my ear. "I want you to look at me when I fuck you", he said wrapping his hand around my neck, fucking me harder. He pressed his forehead against mine and staring into my eyes with his crystal blue eyes while his thrusts got more aggressive. "God, you're so fucking beautiful"

I threw my head back, letting out loud moans but Draco grabbed my hair and pulled back in his gaze. His cold hands gripped my thighs, with his rings pressing against my skin. He let out moans and soft grunts, sending shivers down my spine. The feeling of euphoria took over my body. I buck my hips as I reach my climax.

"I-I'm going to cum", I moaned, stumbling on my words. Draco grabs my hips and fucks me mercilessly until I came. He placed his hand back on my neck and thrusts himself deep inside of me.

Draco thrusts one last time before letting out a moan and cumming inside of me. When he pulled out, I could feel his cum dripping out me. I reached down and scooped his cum in my fingers, sucking on them clean. Draco bit down on his bottom lip and watched me with a devilish smirk.

"How do I taste?", Draco asked, tucking my hair behind my ear.

Better than Theo and Blaise.

"A good girl never tells", I said licking my lips. I reached over to the box of tissues and wiped the cum off of me and the bathroom counter. "I'm going to need to brew the 'morning after' potion tomorrow"

"You should feel special. I never came inside of a girl before", he said zipping up his trousers.

"And I'm sure I won't be the last"

"I wanna see my cum dripping out of your mouth", he said tracing his thumb along my bottom lip.

"Not a chance", I said jumping off the counter and taking my tights off, throwing them in the trash bin. "This was a one time thing"

"Don't say you didn't enjoy it because I know Nott and Zabini doesn't fuck you like me"

"You're nothing but a drunken mistake", I said fixing my dress.

Right as I was about to open the door, Draco grabbed my wrist and said to me, "When your laying in your bed alone at night, I know you'll be thinking of me". He gently caressed my thigh, up my dress. "When you touch yourself, you'll be thinking about how my fucked you like the little slut you are on this bathroom counter", he whispered in my ear. 

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