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*ivy's p.o.v.*

"Morning, sissy", Pansy said jumping into bed with me. "How was the party last night? I left early with Blaise, if you know what I mean", she smirked.

"Thanks, I really needed that", I said pulling my duvet up to my chin. "The party was alright"

"Just alright? No Valentine? Not even in that dress?"

"Uh... no"

I can't believe I'm lying to her again.

"I know we've been having our issues but I want you to know that you can talk to me about Draco", she said playing with the ring on her finger. "As much as it pains me, I'll get over it. You're my sister and I shouldn't hold something so stupid over your head"

"It's not stupid. You had every right to be mad at me. Although, I could've gone without you telling everyone about Draco and I"

"I'm sorry, Ivy"

"It's alright. I'm just glad it's all over with"

"So", she said all perked up. "Who did you spend the rest of Valentine's Day last night?"

"Um... Draco, but it's not what you think. We just hung out a little bit and I left the party alone"

"That's nice. I'm glad that you weren't alone. Was Draco being nice to you at least?"

"Yeah", I sighed. "He was"

"Oh? What did you guys do?"

"He gave me a flower and we slow danced"

"What the fuck! He never did that for me. The most romantic thing he's done for me was when he handed me a hair tie before I gave him head"

"Uh... I did't need to hear that..."

"Lighten up, Ives", she said nudging my arm with her elbow. "Blaise and I had the craziest sex last night. He was-"

"I love you, P, but I rather not hear about you and Blaise", I said cutting her off. "It's a little too weird talking to my sister about these things"

"Ugh", she groaned. "I hope you're not this boring in bed"

"I'm not boring"

"You are. All you do is read and do homework and on occasion get intoxicated"

"That doesn't make me boring"

"Alright... if you say so. Come on, let's go to breakfast", she said getting up from my bed.

I quickly got changed and followed Pansy out of our dorm room and up to the Great Hall for breakfast. We walked to the Slytherin dining table and I sat in between Draco and Tracey with Pansy sitting across from me. This was the first time in awhile Pansy didn't scoff or make grunting noises because Draco and I sitting next to each other.

Most of breakfast, Draco and I just sat in silence because we don't really know what to say to each other. I can feel the awkward tension in the air and it's so thick, you have to slice it with a butcher's knife. It's not like I didn't enjoy my time with Draco last night, it's just new and weird for me. Even with Theo, we never did anything more than just hang around each other and hook up. I've never slow danced with a boy at a party before or even been given flowers. As much as I loved having my moment with Draco at the party last night, I just think it's best for me to keep my distance from him because I don't want us to be more than just friends. I don't want to ruin the dynamic we have by getting too close.

When breakfast ended, the tables were moved so that we can practice for cotillion. Since it's less than four months away, McGonagall has been on our asses to get our dance down and work on our introductions. Pansy has had her introductions written down since the beginning of the year, I however, haven't written a single word. I never procrastinate but I'm in no rush to start on my introductions. I still haven't even figured out my dress other than the color of it.

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