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*ivy's p.o.v.*

    When I entered the Great Hall for breakfast, I can feel all eyes on me, making me feel uncomfortable and insecure. After the party last night, I have no recollection of what happened at the party. The only thing I remember is drinking, smoking, doing a line of Draco's coke, and dancing with Theo. Everything after that is a fucking blur. The girls would make a few jokes her and there in our room but I have no idea what happened. All I know is that I got a little too drunk, high, or crossed. At this point, who fucking knows.

    I sat down right next to Theo, in between Draco, who was sitting right across from Pansy. I can feel the boys and girls giving me weird looks around the table while I grabbed myself a piece of toast.

    "What?", I asked all of them.

    "Nothing", Tracey laughed.

    "Is there something in my hair?"

    "No... it's just", she said trying not to laugh.

    "I'm sorry but I just can't look at you the same", Blaise laughed.

    "What do you mean?", I asked him.

    "Let's just say, galleons were ready to be thrown", Goyle laughed.

    "Oh no, was I that bad?", I asked Theo.

    "You might've gotten up on a table and took your shirt off in front of everyone", he said patting my back. "Luckily, Malfoy carried you out before you let the whole school saw your tits"

    "Speaking of tits, your bra was so cute and your tits looked fantastic", said Daphne.

    "I have to admit, sissy, I enjoyed the show. If all fails, you would make a fair living in the Red Light District", Pansy teased.

    "Now, I'm really embarrassed. Everyone saw me?"

    "Everyone and Bloody Baron saw"

    "Fuck", I groaned. "I've never been that bad. I blame you, Draco"

    "What the fuck did I do?", he said throwing up his hands.

    "It was your fucking coke that got me high"

    "Hey, I told you no but you insisted on doing a line. Not my fault you decided to be a stripper for the night"

    "You'd make a great one, sis", Pansy said with a wink.

    "Thanks, Pansy. That makes me feel so much better about letting the whole school see me naked", I said sarcastically.

    "Hopefully we get an encore", Goyle said to me before getting a smack on the head by Theo. "What? I'm just trying to make light of the situation"

    "Do you remember anything? Even before you fell asleep?", Draco asked me.

    "No, why?"

    "We were just talking and I wanted to know if you remembered what we were talking about"

    "Sorry, but I don't have a clue. Did I say something?"

    "No, not at all. You kept on going on and on about painting in your new studio"

    "Nice to know I can also be boring while under the influence"

    "You're not boring. I think it's interesting that you're such an artist and your sister is..."

    "The complete opposite of me?", I said completing his sentence.

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