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Hogwarts Cotillion playlist:

Toshifumi Hinata - Relfelctions

Lana Del Rey - Young and Beautiful

Lana Del Rey - Happiness is a Butterfly

Lana Del Rey & Ellie Goulding - Ride x My Blood

*draco's p.o.v.*

My mother came into my room when Ivy left, demanding me to change into dress robes for the ball. "If you're not going to be an escort, at least attend the ball", she said sternly. I hate that I disappointed my mother but it's not like I could do anything about it. Most of the witches in my class had their escorts planned out since the end of sixth year and I can't escort the girl I want.

Ivy was so angry with me when she left, she probably hates me for punching out her dumbass escort. If anything, she should be happy that I finally knocked some sense into Nott for talking to her the way he did. I always knew that he wasn't the right guy for her, but does it mean that I am? Of course I'm not. I'm the pathetic bloke who can't even tell a girl how he feels about her without stuttering or stalling before he can get one word out. At this point, there's no use in telling Ivy that I love her, it's too late.

I walked into my closet and changed into my black dress robes before walking downstairs to meet my mother and father. They were standing in the foyer greeting guest as they arrived. I walked over to them and stood next to my father, shaking hands with the Ministry officials and giving them bullshit answers whenever they asked if I plan on working for the Ministry in a few years. Yeah fucking right, I'm leaving London as soon as I can.

"You can at least look happy that you're here", my father said through his teeth as he smiled at our guest. "You already upset your mother tonight, don't upset me too"

"Yes, father", I said putting on a fake smile.

"Draco", Snape said monotoned. "Are you not escorting tonight?"

"No, sir. I am not"

"Pity", he glared before walking away.

After greeting all of our guests, I followed my parents into the ballroom for the presentation of the debutantes. I stood in front with my parents and listened to Dumbledore go on and on about the traditions of the cotillion and how it's been going on for centuries. I watched as each witch was presented and waited for Ivy to come down the stairs in her beautiful gown. As the group of debutantes got smaller, the closer Ivy was getting to be presented.

"Ivy Genevieve Parkinson", McGonagall announced, "escorted by Mr. Theodore Nott"

I watch as Ivy descended the stairs in her beautiful green dress. As McGonagall continued with Ivy's introduction, I noticed that Theo wasn't standing in front of Blaise like he was supposed to. Ivy was getting closer and closer to the bottom of the staircase and her escort is not there waiting for her. I quickly walked through the crowd and around the ballroom to the bottom staircase. I pushed my through and got to the front of the line of escorts right as Ivy reached the bottom of the staircase. She looked at me with shook and then let out out deep breath as she took my hand.

"Where's Theo?", Ivy whispered to me as we lined up at the bottom of the staircase.

"No idea", I whispered back.

"I can't believe he just abandoned me at the steps", she said looking up at the ceiling with tears filling her eyes.

"Hey, don't worry about it. You got me", I said caressing her hand with my thumb through her satin white gloves. "Lucky for you, my mother made me learn the dance"

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